Planning permission approved for new apartment block opposite Graiseley Park

Planning permission approved for new apartment block opposite Graiseley Park

Nadeem Ahmad, of Northern Gas Heating Limited, has submitted an application to Wolverhampton City Council to convert Unit 4A, Lanesfield Drive, Graiseley.

Nadeem House will have 42 residential units with basement parking, convenience commercial unit and gym for residents.

The application includes 19 two-bedroom apartments, 18 one-bedroom apartments and four studios. The basement has parking for 37 spaces.

In a design statement to the council, the applicant said: “The new apartment building will be simple in form and will be constructed from smooth brindle-red brick, which is the main external cladding material for the area before the building was erected. tin-clad industrial shed.

“The external facades are patterned and superimposed creating shadows and articulation and expressing the main structure of the building. The apartments have narrow balconies and large glazed areas to illuminate and ventilate the main rooms.

“The upper floor is completely glazed and set back from the building façade. The framed structure of the building provides shade and privacy to the internal apartments. All apartments face outwards and form a perimeter accommodation ribbon that clearly defines the boundary between the public and private space.”

The statement added: “The application site is located at Drayton Street, Pearson Street and Bell Place, Graiseley. The site forms the end of an urban block and houses an open space where a building was destroyed by fire, a showroom of toilets and a youth centre. The remainder of the urban block outside the applicant’s property comprises industrial units and brick buildings, some of which are barely occupied.”

Wolverhampton City Council’s planning department approved the application last week. Planning officer Kirsty Hodson approved the application with several conditions.

These included: “Details of the landscaping of the site (including hardscapes, boundary treatments) will be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.

“The approved landscaping plan shall be fully implemented within one year of the first occupancy or use of the development or its substantial completion, whichever occurs first, and shall be maintained thereafter for a period of not less than five years.”

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