NJ High School student gives tuberculosis positive

NJ High School student gives tuberculosis positive

A high school student in Colonia in Woodbridge has tested positive for tuberculosis, a potentially dangerous pulmonary disease.

In a letter sent to the school community on Friday, director Chris Chiera said the student is being treated and okay.

School officials are working with Middlesex County Health officials to identify students and staff that could have been exposed to the infected student. Any person identified as a close contact will be selected.

Tuberculosis is a bacteria infection that mainly affects the lungs, but that can potentially spread to other organs.

According to the American Pulmonary Association, a person must generally have close contact with an individual infected during a substantial amount of time to obtain TB. Casual and limited contact is not enough to transmit it.

It can be extended through the air if an infected person coughs, sneezes or spits, according to the World Health Organization.

Tuberculosis can be cured with medications.

The World Health Organization says that symptoms include:

  • prolonged cough (sometimes with blood)
  • chest pain
  • weakness
  • fatigue
  • Weight loss
  • fever
  • Night sweats

The kidneys, brain, column and skin can also be affected.

Anyone looking for more information calls the Tuberculosis Control Center of the Middlesex County Health Office at 732-321-5297 or the Woodbrid Department of Health at 732-855-0600, ext. 5012.

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Jeff Goldman can be contacted in [email protected].

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