4 national antihazing resources that can bring to your school

4 national antihazing resources that can bring to your school

If you are a university student, you are likely to have heard All about rookiesIf you are part of the Greek life on your campus or not. While the novatadas have always been closely associated with Greek life (and especially with fraternities), it also happens in other clubs and organizations. Regardless of the group in which they are, the ride can be incredibly harmful, dangerous, And even mortal.

When you join an organization for the first time, the possibility of becoming fashionable can be scary. Many of us have heard horror stories of promises that are forced to drink strongly or take drugs, film doing shameful and stupid things, or even simply be shouting and mocking. Although many organizations and universities have taken energetic measures against the hazing over the years, novatad tragedies are still produced.

However, there are many antihaz defenders who are doing an important job to mitigate the risks of the hazing and eventually eradicate it completely. Organizations have begun or come to speak at events, all in the hope of spreading the message of how dangerous it is the ride and teaching others how to fight it. If you are interested in learning more about these resources, and maybe even bring some of them to your campus, here are some antihaz organizations to consider.

Stop the novatados

Stop Heleing undertakes to investigate how hazing affects students and spreading the word about how often the novatada. According to your website55% of university students participating in organizations on campus (such as sports teams, clubs and Greek life) have experienced some form of novatados. To combat this statistic, the organization offers short 20 -minute online training courses for students about what the novatada is and how to prevent it, and organizations can buy the course for all its members.

Notegot Prevention Network

With the aim of creating a culture that stops the hazing before it begins, This non -profit organization He has programs to teach students about novatadas for all ages, from high school to university. The novatada prevention network has several programs in person that can bring to its organizations; For university students in particular, these include workshops to which student leaders can attend to discuss how to put an end to the hazing and a panel of testimonies of parents who have had children harmed in incidents related to the novatados. The Org also offers online courses that aim to teach what rookies is, how to recognize it and how to prevent it.

Antihaz coalition

A collaboration between the National Panhellenic Conference and the Interfraternity Conference of North America, This organization He is committed to fighting the rookies sharing stories of university students who have been killed through the Acts of Novatadas. Campus groups can lead the parents of these victims to speak with their members about the experiences of their children and their children with the novatadas to shed light on how you can really make dangerous novatadas and continue creating awareness. The organization is also fighting for illegal novatados throughout the country.

Anti -haming Collorotative

This organization It focuses more specifically on how teachers, coaches and other leaders can prevent novatados for their students, but have many online resources and courses that are applicable to all, including students. The Org also offers classes of seminars that specifically discuss the laws of novatadas in their state and on the intervention tactics of the spectators.

I would also recommend looking for resources that your university has specifically to combat news, since they probably also have specific programming, support and information available for students.

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