MNPD invites the public to come to the hockey game to raise funds for K-9 managers

MNPD invites the public to come to the hockey game to raise funds for K-9 managers

Nashville, Tenn. (WTVF) – We all love a little hockey here in the musical city, and MNPD says that predators are not the only ones who hit the ice this weekend.

Metro police participate in an ice hockey tournament against detectives from the New York Police Department for a good cause.

The game begins on Saturday, March 22 at 7 PM MNPD says that all income will go to the K-9 Hander Fund. They work to train, take care and preserve work dogs on force.

Tickets cost $ 10, but all children enter free. In addition to the game, there will be a performance and demonstration of K-9, as well as a hockey swag that you can score.

“It will help at the bottom of the Manyler K-9 with any specialized training and such, anything for which they can use that excess funds,” said MNPD officer and Hockey Club player, Tim Skopek. “It is a great event for the community. Seeing its officers by uniform in the ice is a great thing for people to see. We love to see many fans there and listen to them encourage us, especially when we score some goals.”

This game comes only weeks after MNPD won the Hockey competition of the service cup. He helped support and inspire athletes in the local community. The officers say they are grateful to have the support of the community.

“It is good to see that. We see it when we are working at work, but it is a bit different on ice with hockey. It feels good to meet as two different departments to get out of a good cause and raise money for the K-9 unit,” said MNPD officer and player Jacob Krispin.

They say that donations are also accepted if you want to contribute to the bottom of the K-9 handler. The game will be played at the Ford Ice Center in Antioch.

Do you have more information about this story? You can send me an email to [email protected].

COLLECTION OF FUNDS In progress so that the Tina Turner statue is placed in Brownsville Park

Fund collection efforts are underway in Brownsville and Nutbush, TN to build a statue for an important superstar that was raised there, Anna Mae Bullock. You probably know her by her artistic name, Tina Turner. He was a great admirer of Tina and was glad to see that there are efforts to show more of his ties with western Tennessee.

-Lelan Statom

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