Hawaii mayor announces the completion of Covid’s risks payment negotiations

Hawaii mayor announces the completion of Covid’s risks payment negotiations

Thread (Hawaiinewsnow) – The mayor of the island of Hawaii, Kimo Alameda, on Wednesday announced the completion of negotiations with all public sector unions due to compensation during the Covid -19 pandemic.

Alameda met with representatives of United Public Workers last week and the Hawaii State Police officers organization on Monday to sign its risk payment agreements.

The agreements are similar to those previously signed with the Hawaii government employees and Hawaii Fire Associationwith employees who receive 15% payment for hours worked for a period of two years.

“Our county workers were at risk during the pandemic that provides essential public services, and the question of risks had not been resolved for too long,” said Alameda. “Since I assumed the position, I have met with union representatives to work on these issues. I am pleased to have reached agreements that adequately recognize the dedication of our employees to serve our communities.”

The County estimates that it will spend a total of $ 70 million in payment of risks for employees who worked during the pandemic.

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