The actress states that she was exposed after the sex scene

The actress states that she was exposed after the sex scene

An actress told a court on Wednesday that Noel Clarke He demanded that he look at him while he was exposed after filming a sex scene in the last round of evidence in the demand for defamation of the actor against The Guardian.

The actress, called Penelope to hide her identity, says that Clarke also made inappropriate comments about her appearance and sexual advances towards her. Clarke has denied all accusations.

Penelope said in his statement that after filming a sex scene, Clarke cleared the room of all production personnel and then presented, insisting that she looked at her penis.

“I was saying things like: ‘It’s massive, everyone told me that it’s big’ and that ‘you have to look, you want to look at him, look at him,” Pa. “It wasn’t even a matter of whether I wanted. I was demanding it.”

Penelope added, by PA report, that he felt “in panic and shocked” and “asked Noel to bring the crew back to the room.”

“I was saying: ‘Please, stop, they will listen to you, bring them

The Guardian reported a separate section of Penelope’s statement in which he states that the writer-actor made unwanted sexual contact with her while shooting the sex scene.

“I was on top of me in bed,” he said. “When he first went down his pants and pants, I felt that his penis lands in my pubic area. I tried to move slightly in bed so that there was a distance between our genitals, but then his penis was touching me between my legs right at the entrance of my vagina.”

She added: “He was so close that I remember being worried in case he moved more or ejaculted. I don’t remember how many shots we made of this scene, in the various angles of the camera. It is possible that there are four or five shots at each angle. His erect penis remained touching me in the same place throughout all these shots.”

According to Pa, in his statement, Clarke denied all Penelope’s accusations, saying “at any time I, nor I could not, dismissed the crew” or “I demanded” that she looked at her penis.

“The only purpose of any exhibition or nudity was for the artistic effect,” said his statement.

Clarke is demanding the Guardian for multiple articles he published in which he was accused of several incidents of misconduct by 20 women between 2004 and 2019.

The actor, producer and director, better known for work as Child age And his two follow -up films have denied all the accusations and said that the articles have had a “catastrophic” effect on their career.

It is said that Clarke is looking for damage to around $ 12 million (£ 10 million) in the demand for defamation. Along with claiming general damage for reputation damage, Clarke is looking for damage that covers specific financial losses. Clarke’s claim says that The Guardian’s articles had a “devastating” impact on their finances, according to the BBC, and the actor said that “all existing or future contracts” was canceled after Guardian’s reports.

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