Karen read the judge issues gag orders to lawyers

Karen read the judge issues gag orders to lawyers

The judge Presiding over the trial for murder to Karen Lee He issued an order that limits what lawyers in the case can say on the matter when they are outside the courtroom.

The gag order, issued last week and then informed by Several news organizationsIt was requested by prosecutors, who accused the Read Defense team of violating protection orders and judicial rules.

The decision of the Judge of the Superior Court of Norfolk Beverly J. Cannone instructs the lawyers on both sides who do not disclose information that could harm the legal process or influence the result of the trial, according to a copy of the order published online by numerous media.

Cannone specified that the restrictions cover the information that is protected by judicial orders or could harm the jury or potential witnesses. Lawyers are also prohibited from publicly revealing the evidence that they are unlikely to be admitted to the trial.

A copy of the Cannone order was not available on Saturday on an online portal for cases of the Massachusetts court. The Globe sought a copy of the decision of the office and the prosecutor of the Norfolk district prosecutor, David Yannetti, who represents Read, but did not receive an answer.

Read, 45, declared himself innocent of second degree murder positions, involuntary homicide while operating under the influence, and abandoning the scene of an accident that resulted in death.

Prosecutors allege that he supported his Lexus SUV in a drunk anger in her boyfriend, Boston Police officer John O’KeefeAt the beginning of January 29, 2022, after leaving him outside a Canton house after a bar jump night.

His lawyers say he was framed and? O’Keefe He entered the house, owned at that time by an official Boston partner, where he was fatally beaten and possibly attacked by a German shepherd Before his body was planted on the front grass.

The first Read trial ended in a jury hanging In July, and his new trial is scheduled to begin on April 1.

The case has been widely covered by local, national and international media and Read has granted interviews with journalists. Cannone’s order does not restrict him to make public comments.

The Norfolk DA Office also asked Cannone to sanction the defense lawyers of Read and order them to present future motions under sealed until they can be reviewed to determine if they include exempt information from public dissemination.

Prosecutors alleged that such a measure was necessary because the defense has publicly revealed evidence covered by protection orders. As an example, they pointed out a presentation of the Defense Court that cited a text message sent by Michael Proctor state police coupterThe researcher who sent non -professional, profane and sexist text messages about reading. The State Police suspended Proctor without pay after the Null Read trial.

Cannone rejected the request for sanctions of the Prosecutor’s Office. The defense acknowledged that it included the protected information in the motion cited by the Prosecutor’s Office, he wrote, but insisted that his inclusion was “an error and not an intentional act.”

Laura Crimaldi can be contacted in [email protected]. Follow her @lacrimaldi.

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