‘Ken Doll’ Left Victim ‘terrified’ after ‘blackmail’ | United Kingdom | News

‘Ken Doll’ Left Victim ‘terrified’ after ‘blackmail’ | United Kingdom | News

The hope of the star of reality Jimmy featherstone, also known as “Hull’s Ken Doll”, appeared in court after Blackmail repeatedly two men. As reported by Hull Live, he made sinister demands of “Money” and threatened to ruin their lives. Featherstone, 25, left one of his victims “scared and terrified” since constant threats had a “mass impact” on him and his family, heard Hull Crown Court.

Known for his love for false tan and cosmetic surgery, the ‘Ken doll’ admitted blackmailing a man by demanding unjustified money between August 17 and 19 last year. While he was on bail for that crime, he blackmailed a second male victim on January 2 of this year. Prosecutor Jennifer Gatland said the first man had a long -term girlfriend and a small daughter. He joined an online dating site where he saw a profile photo “show a background” that led to an exchange of messages. However, he later realized that he was talking to a man, not with a woman.

The exchange of messages continued, and sent two photos: one of his face and the other of his genitals. Then, the man received a message using his name, telling him that the person he was chatting online.

After this, Featherstone, the person who talks to the victim, knew he had a girlfriend and threatened to send photos to his friends and family, in addition to publishing them on Facebook.

Featherstone ordered him to pay £ 70 so that “everything will end” and sent his bank data. The man sent him the money, asking if this would be the end.

The “Hull Ken doll” then asked for others £ 40, claiming that it would now be the end. He sent the money, but woke up on August 18 to a Facebook message asking for others £ 80, or the images would be shared.

More messages were delivered demanding more money: he had sent a total of £ 120 at this time.

On January 2, the second male victim received a message from a number linked to Featherstone saying that “he can travel today if you want to have fun.” It also included a threat that said that the person had a picture of him and told the victim: “You don’t break me up. You owe me £ 80. I think I give Af ***. I will simply send a message to your girl if I don’t understand it.”

Featherstone calls man several times and sends PayPal requests for £ 50 with a link. The man did not know featherstone, but had been using the Grindr application. No money changed hands with featherstone.

The first man said he was “scared and terrified” and that “he had some really dark thoughts.” He felt “angry and guilty”, taking time out of work due to his mental state. “I was terrified of losing my family,” he said.

“This situation has had a massive impact on us,” he said, referring to his girlfriend.

The second man was worried about his career and said: “It is affecting my mental health due to this concern,” he said.

Judge Tahir Khan Kc told Featherstone: “Although you have been bothered in the past, it was some time ago. I have no doubt that immediate custody will be devastating for you.

“You behaved very badly in blackmailing the victims, but you had the good sense of declaring themselves guilty for the first opportunity and that makes a difference. Instead of sending you in custody, the most constructive way of treating with you is through a punishment within the community.”

Featherstone received a suspended prison sentence of 20 months, six months of drug rehabilitation and 15 days of rehabilitation. They gave him a three -year restriction order related to the first blackmail victim.

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