MBBs and Dental PG applicants urge government intervention to reduce the tariff-opening today

MBBs and Dental PG applicants urge government intervention to reduce the tariff-opening today

The rate for medical and dental PG courses under the management share of category B in Telangana is loom from RS 13 Lakh to RS 24 Lakh, which is far beyond the financial capacity of many dental and completed students of MBBS, they said.

Updated on March 6, 2025, 01:39 pm

MBBs and Dental PG applicants urge government intervention to reduce the tariff-opening today
Representation image.

Hyderabad: Dental and MBBS doctors looking for dental and medical specialty courses have criticized the exorbitant rate charged by private dental universities in the state of Telangana. On Thursday, they urged the intervention of the state government to address the increase in rates affected by private medical care institutions in special medical and dental courses.

The rate for medical and dental PG courses under the management fee of category B in Telangana fleet from 13 Lakh to RS 24 Lakh, which is far beyond the financial capacity of many dental and completed students of MBBS, they said. Similarly, even in the medical and dental PG seats of category A, with a part of the seats that fall under the summary quota, the annual rate varies from RS 3.5 Lakh to RS 5 Lakh.

On Thursday, the Association of Students and Surgeons of All India wrote a letter to the Minister of Health, Damodar Raja Narasimha, urging the intervention of the state government to reduce the rate.

“Not all dental and medicine students of the State of Telangana can afford so expensive medical seats in category A and B. There is a need for the state government through the Minister of Health to intervene on this issue and issue a government order that aligns the tariff structure for the seats of category A and category B with other neighboring states. This will guarantee parity and reduce financial stress in students while maintaining uniformity in medical education and rate throughout the region, “said the National President, the Dental Association and the surgeons of India, Dr. MD Md Manzur Ahmed.

Compared to the state of Telangana, the medical and dental PG seats in category A and B in Andhra Pradesh are minor. In category A, the rate varies from RS 3.41 Lakh to RS 4.9 million rupees, while in the management quota of category B, it varies from RS 6.83 million rupees at RS 9.93 million rupees.

“Medical and dentistry students of the Telangana state are under a great financial burden and difficulties due to the increase in rates for medicine courses in private institutions. The state government must intervene on this issue, ”said Dr. Manzur.

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