Fox News correspondent Jonathan Turley on Thursday poured cold water on Democrats’ “apocalyptic” attempts to portray former President Trump as a threat to democracy, saying: “Fox and FriendsIt said the scare tactics were a “constitutional smear” against “the most stable democratic system in the history of the world”.
JONATHAN TURLEY: It’s a kind of Halloween-flare panic politics, you know, something bad is coming this way… ‘if you vote against me, you’re voting against’ democracy and life as you know it.’ What is missing from this is any sense of history in any sense of constitutional law. For over two centuries, we have had the oldest and most stable democratic system in world history. We have been through wars, economic crises, social crises and we are still here. This is a system designed to last because we have overlapping safeguards, checks and balances, and a tripartite system. All of this must fail for these dire, apocalyptic predictions to come true. And what’s dangerous about this is that the politics of panic are designed to distract voters from whatever else is bothering you. Right? Vote with your life because unless Harris is elected you are looking at the end of democracy and your way of life.

Democratic presidential candidate Vice President Kamala Harris meets former Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., in Brookfield, Wisconsin, on Monday, Oct. 21, 2024. He speaks while attending a campaign event with . (AP/Morry Yara)
The problem here is that the American people have an innate understanding that they are being played for fools. It’s not easy for them to decide between Trump and Harris, but they don’t believe it. They don’t believe it, after two centuries of successful democracy, it will all be over unless Harris is elected president… they insist even more because that’s all they want to talk about. They will try to win an election based on fear mixed with deceptive joy. And so far that hasn’t caught the attention of voters. However, from a legal perspective, this reaches the level of constitutional insult. You know, you can make many complaints about our system, but the only thing you can recommend is that we are still here. A system designed by James Madison to last. And, you know, when Obama says he’s going to have unchecked power, you have to scratch your head. We have a system of checks and balances. We have a three-way system designed to prevent this. Where will all this go? Where will all the justices and members of Congress go when tyranny prevails because Harris was not elected president?
President Biden On Tuesday, he repeated his long-standing claim that Trump’s re-election would be a threat to the nation’s democracy.
“Our democracy is in danger,” he said at a political rally in New Hampshire. “Think about it. Think about what would happen if Donald Trump wins this election.”
Biden later said: “I know that sounds weird. If I had said that five years ago, you would have put me in jail. We should put him in jail.”
But the president appeared to quickly regain his composure, adding: “Lock him up politically. Lock him up. That’s what we need to do.”
Vice President Kamala Harris He later doubled down on comparing Trump to Adolf Hitler and told a CNN town hall on Wednesday that he believes Trump is a “fascist.”
“Yes, I do, yes I do,” Harris told moderator Anderson Cooper when asked if she believed Trump was a “fascist.”
Harris said on X earlier Wednesday that “Trump seeks unchecked power” and resembles the dictator of Nazi Germany.
“Like Adolf Hitler, he wants a military loyal to himself, not our Constitution,” Harris said. “He is unhinged, unstable, and even if he is elected to a second term, there will be no one to stop him from pursuing his worst impulses.”
Fox News’ Louis Casiano, Paul Steinhauser and Emma Colton contributed to this report.