The Solomon-Simmons lawyer presents the motion to intervene in the MCN lawsuit against Tulsa

The Solomon-Simmons lawyer presents the motion to intervene in the MCN lawsuit against Tulsa

The civil rights lawyer Damario Solomon-Simmons, together with the Band of Indian Liberios of Muscagee Creek (MCIFB) presented a motion to intervene in the demand between the Muscagee nation (Creek) (MCN) and the city of Tulsa.

MCN argues that the city cannot exercise criminal jurisdiction on the Indians of Arroyo in McN Land, citing the 1866 treaty.

However, demand does not address the rights of African descent streams, discriminatedly labeled as Arroyo releases.

The legal motion of Solomon-Simmons and MCIFB argues that Freek’s liberated descendants must be included in any declarative or cautious relief issued by the court, since the 1866 treaty guaranteed streams of African descent and their descendants have all the rights and privileges of other streams.

However, Solomon-Simmons states that MCN continues to illegally deny the recognition of Creek’s releases, excluding them from tribal citizenship, services and legal protections.

“The Muscagee (Creek) nation cannot selectively invoke the 1866 treaty when it benefits them while simultaneously ignoring the rights of Creek’s releases under that same treaty,” said Solomon-Simmons. Rhonda Grayson, co -founder and president of the MCIFB, declared: “For too long, Black Creek’s releases have been treated as second -class citizens, denied our rights for which our ancestors fought and that they were insured by the treaty. It is time for the Nation of the Arroyo, the city of Tulsa and the courts recognizing that our rights, our history and our voices must be heard.” “.”

Governor Kevin Stitt also presented a motion to intervene In the demand of the Muscagee Creek nation against the city of Tulsa, defending the State Jurisdiction Authority.

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