The learner star Karren Brady reveals that he had been “terrified” after her house of £ 6 million was attacked four times in just 16 hours by a thief, who has released himself from the court.

The learner star Karren Brady reveals that he had been “terrified” after her house of £ 6 million was attacked four times in just 16 hours by a thief, who has released himself from the court.

Karren Brady has revealed his terror after a thief hit his house of £ 6 million four times in the 16 -hour space.

The 55 -year -old apprentice star said she has difficulty sleeping and that she no longer likes to be at home after a series of ‘directed’ robberies in the house in Belgravia, center of London.

Baroness Brady, her ex -husband footballer Paul Peschisolid The sun First informed.

The former 41 -year -old chef supposedly broke into a basement storage area several times in the house on terraces on May 16, 2024.

The thief took a Prada bag of £ 1,700 and Amazon plots worth more than 2,500 after entering four times while the television star worked.

Today, he freed himself from the London Southwark crown court after receiving a suspended sentence of 18 months.

In an impact statement of the victim, Baroness Brady said he felt “attacked, observed and exploited” by the thief.

The learner star Karren Brady reveals that he had been “terrified” after her house of £ 6 million was attacked four times in just 16 hours by a thief, who has released himself from the court.

Karren Brady has revealed his terror after a thief hit his house of £ 6 million four times in the 16 -hour space

Baroness Brady, 55, joined the apprentice as one of Lord Alan Sugar's key advisors in the sixth program series in 2010, and has continued to be an accessory since then since then since then

Baroness Brady, 55, joined the apprentice as one of Lord Alan Sugar’s key advisors in the sixth program series in 2010, and has continued to be an accessory since then since then since then

The businesswoman wrote: “I am writing this statement to express the deep impact that the robbery has had on me and my family.”

She added: ‘From theft, I have felt insecure in my own home.

‘Knowing that a stranger invaded my personal space, crossed my belongings and had a total contempt for my privacy has left me feel vulnerable and restless.

‘Before this crime I felt safe in my house. That feeling has now been shattered.

Adnane went to the house of the television star after noticing Amazon plots unattended at his door while passing.

Then he repeatedly returned to the luxury direction to illegally rummage through family belongings in a store room.

Judge David Tomlinson offered Adnane a “last chance”, but said that any breach of his order “undoubtedly” will result in a prison.

The judge said: ‘Without a doubt, these crimes cross the custody threshold.

“What is clear is that it was repeatedly addressed to the same premises and it is not long between what can begin as a spontaneous crime, it becomes a chain of specific crimes.”

He sentenced the thief to 18 months in prison suspended for 21 months, along with 25 days of rehabilitation activity and 100 hours of unpaid work.

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