The flight attendant reveals three stupid things that influencers do in airplanes that are so dangerous

The flight attendant reveals three stupid things that influencers do in airplanes that are so dangerous

She said they are the most annoying passengers

There are a group of people who are particularly annoying for hostesses, and they are not children or drunk people, it is Influencers.

Skye Taylor, who flew with Virgin Atlantic for 16 years, spoke with him Express daily And revealed influencers often do things that are really dangerous.

They always seek to obtain their next great photo of Instagram or video of Tiktok, completely unconscious of the consequences that some of their actions may have.

Here are three things that have seen that they make influencers that pose really serious security concerns.

Babies on the floor

The first wild thing that the influencers do is put their babies on the floor when they go to sleep, then publish an online photo.

“The number of people who show their baby sleeping on the floor is absolutely crazy,” he said. “It’s like, you would certainly not go and put your child in the hole of a car.”

“Why would you put them on the floor of an plane that could fall 10,000 feet in a matter of minutes and your son is lying on the floor under the metal?”

She said that influencers should use their “common sense” and be much more “safety aware” when they travel with their children in airplanes.


Credit: Canva

Taking photos near the plane engines

Another thing that sees that influential do all the time is to walk through the asphalt and be dangerously close to plane engines to take a great Instagram photo.

You may see the hostesses that publish elegant photos on social networks standing right next to an plane, but that does not mean that no one can do it.

The lines on the floor that show where you can walk are there for a reason, and the engines can be super dangerous if you can close.

Writing in the bathroom mirrors

Finally, the flight attendant has also seen photos and videos of Tiktok of people who write in the bathroom mirror and then take a selfie with it.

“I understand that normal people would not understand, but there have been many occasions in terrorist attacks where to write in a bathroom mirror was quite horrible,” he said.

In April 2010, an Express Continental flight from Houston to Washington was diverted because a passenger wrote the word “bomb” in a bathing mirror.

They did not find explosives on the plane, but it was a true security concern and the whole flight had to be based on that.

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Outstanding image of: Skye Taylor and Canva

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