Unemployment benefits can raise tax questions and attract scammers

Unemployment benefits can raise tax questions and attract scammers

Recent reductions in the Federal Labor Force combined with the general concern about the economy in the private sector means that some Americans are experiencing job losses. If you lose your job for reasons other than the cause, it can be eligible to raise unemployment benefits.

How much can collect depends on where you live: there is no federal unemployment program. Each state administers its own unemployment insurance program and pays its own benefits. (If you live in a different state from where you worked, request unemployment in the state where you worked).

To qualify for the benefits, many states require that you have worked consistently and have won at least a certain amount in the last one or two years. It is also possible that he must demonstrate that, after his loss of work, he began looking for a new job.

The amount it can receive varies according to the State, but generally totals approximately half of its previous income. How long can receive benefits also varies according to the State: most of the 26 weeks, although in some states, such as Florida and Alabama, it is much less.

Tax considerations

After a loss of employment, the last thing in what you want to think about is taxes, but obtaining the correct tax consequences is crucial, especially when money is scarce. Here are some taxes related to taxes to help you solve it:

  1. Unemployment compensation may not be subject to taxes for the purposes of State Income Tax.
  1. For the purpose of the Federal Income Tax, the unemployment compensation is subject to taxes. The benefits of your status will be informed on form 1099-G. Do not spend its benefits immediately without considering the possible tax consequences.
  2. To eliminate any surprise, you can choose to retain the federal income tax of its unemployment benefits during the year. This is similar to the retention of your payment check and means that it must less in tax time.
  3. If you are concerned that you owe you at the time of taxes, consider making estimated payments during the year to avoid a potential sanction. Most fiscal professionals can calculate the number for you, the same is true for software programs, but if you are looking for an easy formula, take the amount of taxes you expect to obtain in 2025 and divide it into four: that is your quarterly payment. Then, for example, if you wait, you must $ 5,000 in 2025, you will pay $ 1,250 each quarter ($ 5,000/4).
  4. Food coupons and other public assists that could generally be available for you are not taxable. Do not be afraid or ashamed to ask about the benefits. Temporary programs such as the supplementary nutritional assistance program (SNAP), WIC (women, babies and children), and those offered through TANF (temporary assistance for needy families) can help put food on the table for your family while continuing to look for work.
  5. If you are now responsible for paying your own medical care, you may be able to deduce the cost of those insurance premiums, including Cobra costs, as medical expenses. Would include the costs of these premiums along with their other eligible medical expenses in Annex to whether it details it (most taxpayers claim The standard deduction). Remember that these expenses are only deductible if they exceed 10% of their adjusted gross income. Here is a quick example: suppose that their medical costs total $ 4,500 and their AGI is $ 20,000. You can deduce $ 2,500 of medical expenses: $ 4,500 (total expenses) less $ 2,000 (10% of $ 20,000).
  6. Do not forget that you can use a established health savings account (HSA) to pay medical expenses. The money in the account is yours, even if you lose your job.
  7. Do not ignore the tax credits available for those who did not qualify when I was working. Although your income may have exceeded the tax credit threshold (EITC) in previous years, it can now be eligible for credit. Assuming that it meets income restrictions and other criteria, it can qualify for the EITC, and do not have to have children to collect. Bonus: It is reimbursable, so you can get a check even if you owe any tax.
  8. If you trust the kindness of strangers, or friends and family, to overcome this difficult moment, those gifts are probably not taxable for you. As a general rule, the person who gives the gift (not the recipient) is responsible for applicable federal donations taxes. For federal income taxes, the mere reception of the gift is not an taxable event. Remember that the underlying gift maintains its taxable character, so it is discarding interest, for example, that interest would be subject to its taxes.

Stofkers are also looking for benefits

The scammers are also taking advantage of unemployment benefits. If you requested unemployment benefits but you have not received them yet, you can be a victim of a scam. In a version of the scam, applicants are deceived to complete a request on a fraudulent website and not from their state unemployment office; Always verify the validity of a website before entering information (most of the legitimate government websites end in .gov, no .com). In case of doubt, navigate directly to the website using an address instead of clicking on another site.

If it was approved for unemployment insurance but has not received them, they may have been poorly addressed to another address. And, if the unemployment office rejected its application for benefits because they have already received a claim under their name, a scammer may have submitted benefits using his name and personal information. Contact you State unemployment insurance program If you think you could be a victim.

In recent years, taxpayers have reported that the reception of tax -related tax forms or other notices when they did not request unemployment benefits. If you have received a notice from your state unemployment office or form 1099-G that shows that you received unemployment benefits payments that you never received, you can be a victim of a scam; Someone may have used their name and personal information to request benefits.

If you receive a 1099-G form, you think it is fraudulent, you must inform the official unemployment benefits agency and request a corrected 1099-G form. Some states, such as my state of Pennsylvania, have specific instructions on their websites to inform fraud. Do not simply ignore it, remember that unemployment compensation is subject to taxes. However, IRS advises that when you present your taxes, you should only include the income you received, Even if you have not received a corrected 1099-G: the processing of your tax declaration should not be delayed, while your unemployment identity theft report is under investigation.

If you receive a 1099-G form that you think is fraudulent, you do not need to present form 14039, an affidavit of identity theft, with the IRS. Form 14039 should only be filed if your tax declaration submitted is rejected because a duplicate statement has been submitted with your Social Security number (or if the IRS indicates that you present the form).

IRS resources

If you are a victim of unemployment fraud, you should consider opting for the IRS identity protection program. An IP pin is a six -digit number that helps to prevent thieves from submitting federal tax statements in the names of identity theft victims. The IP PIN is a voluntary program open to any taxpayer who can verify its identity.

You can get more information about identity theft and Irs unemployment benefits here.

If all this seems overwhelming, remember that there is help available. Do not be afraid to ask questions about benefits, deductions and credits that can help reduce your tax burden in tax time, or help you navigate potential fraud. Ask for your tax professional or communicate with the IRS to get help.

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