Scott helps to reintroduce Bill to guarantee the complete benefits for combat veterans · Floridian

Scott helps to reintroduce Bill to guarantee the complete benefits for combat veterans · Floridian

Senator Rick Scott He joined a bipartisan effort in the Senate, including senators Ted Cruz (R-TX), Reverend Raphael Warnock (D-GA), Mark Kelly (D-AZ) and 186 members of the House of Representatives such as Congressman Gust Bilirakis (R-FL) to restart the bipartisan Major Richard Star Law To guarantee all the benefits for veterans.

He legislation He is named after the greatest Richard A. Star, a decorated war veteran forced to retire medically due to his fighting injuries.

This bill would allow the safety of all benefits for veterans with combat injuries that withdrew with less than 20 years of service. They would receive the retirement payment of the Department of Defense (DOD) and the VA disability compensation (complete concurrent receipt) simultaneously.

According For Senator Scott, the current law requires veterans to lose a part of its benefits to comply with the “dollar displacement per dollar for disability compensation and retirement payment.”

He Major Richard Star Law He would remedy this notion that a combat veteran could not receive the benefits they obtained independently from the time.

Senator Scott He said that this bill is part of a “critical change” necessary to properly reward the United States veterans with their benefits won.

“I am a proud veteran and son of a veteran of World War II, and I have immense respect for anyone who puts himself in the uniform to defend our nation,” he said Scott “Our veterans are American heroes who have made innumerable sacrifices. Major Richard Star Law He assures that our veterans receive the complete benefits they have obtained through their service and sacrifice protecting our nation regardless of the duration of the service. “

Scott concluded: “This legislation makes a critical change to treat our veterans fairly and support the heroes of our nation. I urge my colleagues to support their quick step.”

In addition, the representative Bilirakis, one of the main sponsors of the accompanying bill in the Chamber, shared that a benefit “does not decrease the merits of the other” and must be granted completely for veterans who obtained it.

“The brave men and women who return from serving our country should be able to receive the promised benefits.” I am committed to rectifying this injustice for all veterans, and the approval of the Major Richard Star law will bring us another step to our goal of ensuring that veterans receive the benefits they have won and deserve. “

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