The terrified families when Mickey Mouse Pul

The terrified families when Mickey Mouse Pul

The Wannabe-Mickey Mouse is attracting families for a photo at Naples tourist access points before demanding money and threatening them with a knife when they refuse to pay

People posing for photos
The thief demanded cash after posing for photos(Image: Nx)

A criminal who gets through Mickey Mouse is being hunted by the police after terrified tourists reveal that He threw a knife About them when they would not pay for a photo.

The false assault of Disney Favourite-Come has been arresting tourists in Via Toledo in Naples, Italy, and threatening the families that stop to have their photo. Deputy Francesco Emilio Borrelli sent a file to the thief to the police after one of his constituents said he had thrown a knife. Borrelli said: “We are receiving many reports on this topic that, disguised as Mickey mouseThreat and extortes money from tourists and citizens who take photos with him. In some videos, users said that man is also armed with a knife. “

A baby posed with the false mickey
A baby was perched with the false mickey(Image: Nx)

He added: “We cannot allow people like this to act without being bothered in the city’s tourist areas, damaging the image of Naples and creating a climate of fear between citizens and visitors. We have received several reports and videos that show worrying attitudes, including an episode of threat with a weapon. I want an investigation to reach the facts and if the allegations are confirmed that he will turn off.

A man posing with the character
A man posing with the character(Image: Nx)

Some of those who have been stolen have resorted to social networks to share their experiences and warn others that are aware of Fake Magic Kingdom. Mr. Borrelli is asking for patrols of ‘mice trap’ to catch the knife with their hands in the dough while harassed the children and their parents for money. He added: “Naples cannot be as a hostage of those who think they can do as well as without any respect for law.”

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