The jury finds the Lakewood man in Bond for a horrible shipwreck of automobiles guilty of intentionally putting the father’s house in flames

The jury finds the Lakewood man in Bond for a horrible shipwreck of automobiles guilty of intentionally putting the father’s house in flames

The jury finds the Lakewood man in Bond for a horrible shipwreck of automobiles guilty of intentionally putting the father’s house in flames
Connor C. Kirkpatrick, 30, (left) was trapped and seriously injured when a car drove home in the block 100 of South Heather Drive in Crystal Lake on July 27, 2022. Photo: Alex Vucha / Lake and Mchenry County Scanner

A Lakewood man was convicted in the trial on Wednesday to intentionally try to set fire to his father’s house while he was in Bond for hitting his car in a home of Crystal Lake at high speeds, seriously injuring a resident.

Connor C. Kirkpatrick, 30, now faces up to 15 years after bars after the jury found him guilty of a seriously class 1 position of residential fires and a severe crime of class 2 of fire caused in the Mchenry County Court.

It must be sentenced on June 12, as shown in the judicial records.

Kirkwood was originally accused of a cause of class X of fire, but the judicial records show that the position has been dismissed.

Kirkpatrick has been carried out in the Mchenry county jail without bail after establishing the fire on May 20, 2023.

The authorities said that at that time the fire caused around $ 350,000 in damage to the house, which is the property of his father. His father was not at home when the fire occurred.

Kirkwood scored a deputy of the Mchenry County Sheriff on Route 14 and Dole Avenue in Crystal Lake on May 20, 2023, and told the deputy that his Lakewood residence was on fire.

The paramedics transported Kirkpatrick to the Northwestern Medicine Hospital in Mchenry for injuries while sending firefighters to the residence, said Lakewood police chief Mike Roth.

The Fire Rescue Department of Crystal Lake reached the residence in the 9300 block of Firth Court in Lakewood around 5:54 am, and the authorities said the fire seemed to be out.

A search for the single -family house revealed that no one was inside, authorities said.

Crystal Lake firefighters respond to a house in the 9300 block of Firth Court in Lakewood on May 20, 2023. Photo: Tyler Tobolt / Lake and Mchenry County Scanner

Fire teams extinguished some burning content, but the fire did not require much water to extinguish, authorities said.

The house suffered significant heat and smoke damage at all times, authorities said, which caused the residence to be declared uninhabitable.

No firefighter were injured in the fire.

The Fire Rescue Department of Crystal Lake, the Fire Marshals of the State of Illinois and the Lakewood Police Department investigated the cause of the fire and then accused Kirkpatrick of fire, residential fire and criminal damage to the property per fire that caused more than $ 100,000 in damages.

Crystal Lake firefighters respond to a house in the 9300 block of Firth Court in Lakewood on May 20, 2023. Photo: Tyler Tobolt / Lake and Mchenry County Scanner

In a criminal complaint filed after their arrest, the prosecutors said Kirkpatrick poured around four gallons of gasoline across the interior of the residence around 3:43 am that morning, then used a cigarette lighter to light the gasoline.

The complaint said that Kirkpatrick intended to cause great body damage and damage to home ownership.

At the time of the fire caused, Kirkpatrick was in Bond after a brutal accident between the Kirkpatrick SUV and a house in the 100 block of South Heather Drive in Crystal Lake on July 27, 2022.

The attached chief of the Crystal Lake police, Rick Neumann, said that a SUV driven by Kirkpatrick traveled east in Ballard Road when, for unknown reasons, he continued through Briarwood Road’s intersection and left the road, said Neumann.

Angelo Pleotis, 64, (left) was trapped and seriously injured when a car led to his house in the 100 block of South Heather Drive in Crystal Lake on July 27, 2022. Photo: Alex Vucha / Lake and Mchenry County Scanner

Later, prosecutors said the vehicle was traveling to 96 mph when it hit the garage and the residence separate.

Angelo Pleotis, 64, who lives in the residence involved, was trapped and had to be released from the remains.

Pleotis was in the shower when the vehicle hit his house. He was also led to advocate from the Condell Medical Center.

Pleotis suffered collapsed lungs, broken ribs, head trauma, lacerations and two spinal fracture dislocations, which caused paralysis.

Kirkpatrick was also trapped at the wheel and had to be expelled from the vehicle by firefighters.

Kirkpatrick was accused in October 2022 of criminal damage to the property of more than $ 100,000, aggravated reckless driving that causes bodily damage and reckless behavior that causes great body damage.

The Court must be returned with respect to that case on June 12, as shown in the judicial records.

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