I-43 Milwaukee Police Chase, shooting; 2nd sentenced person

I-43 Milwaukee Police Chase, shooting; 2nd sentenced person

Police shot at the I-43 on June 20, 2024

A Milwaukee man, one of the four people initially loaded in a 2024 Persecution police and shots in the I-43He was sentenced on Tuesday.

The judicial records show that Semira Dean, who is now 19, declared himself guilty of attempted armed robbery and theft of mobile properties, and prosecutors dismissed two other serious crimes and a minor crime.

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Dean was sentenced to 12 months at the Reintegration Center of the Milwaukee County Community with work release privileges, along with three years of probation.

Pursuit and Shooting

The background history:

The police were in Patrol around 17 and Vliet on June 20, 2024 when an officer saw a white Chevrolet SUV that was stolen in a theft of armed cars. When the officer tried to stop the SUV, a criminal complaint establishes that he stopped briefly, but then the driver turned a U and quickly moved away.

Police shot at the I-43 on June 20, 2024

He entered into a high -speed persecution that extended for several miles. The complaint establishes that the SUV led the divided streets, almost hit a pedestrian and forced another vehicle to drive to a sidewalk. The search then reached the I-43 north in Highland Boulevard.

The prosecutors said that the SUV fleeing was beating at least one vehicle while entering and leaving traffic and in a construction zone. He crashed into a cement truck that was actively placing cement near Burleight Street, and the officers stopped behind the SUV with drawn weapons.

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The officers ordered the people inside to leave the SUV, but the complaint establishes that the driver put the SUV in reverse towards the police. Then, an officer shot at the SUV, and the occupants were removed. Two of the six people inside, including an 18 -year -old pregnant girl, were shot.

A stolen personal car of a deputy of the Sheriff of Waukesha County was found in the SUV, according to the complaint. Police said the four people who were initially accused also participated in an attempt to armed hand before the search.

Other loaded

In court:

Dean was initially one of the four people initially accused of 20 crimes combined in the case.

Since then, prosecutors have dismissed charges against Ashley Patterson, who was 18 years old and “visibly pregnant” at that time. He had gunshot wounds and back, and his unborn baby did not survive.

Tyrone Rogers, who was 17 when charges were presented, declared himself guilty of attempted armed robbery in November 2024, and two other positions were withdrawn in an agreement with prosecutors. He was then sentenced to six years in prison.

The judicial records said that the fourth person, Calveyon jeans, was the driver. He was 17 years old at that time and fired in the arm and jaw.

The jeans declared themselves innocent of nine serious crimes and were obliged to trial in September 2024. Their next appearance in court is scheduled for April 10.

Police chase Newsmilwaukee

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