Assassin’s Creed Voice Actor is terrified of the shelves

Assassin’s Creed Voice Actor is terrified of the shelves

Roger Craig Smith has expressed many iconic video game characters, including Sonic The Hedgehog, Arkham Origins‘Batman, and Apex legends Fan Fan Mirage. Perhaps he is better known for his performance as the Ezio da Firenze Auditorium of Salto de Salto Audore. Assassin’s Creed II (And several other games in the franchise), but Assassin’s Creed fans will probably be surprised by knowing that Smith is absolutely terrified by the shelf.

In a recent interview with ForbesSmith, who is a great admirer of the games, was asked if there is a specific game memory in his life that “stands out.” For Assassin’s Creed fans, his answer was a bit unexpected.

“Up to the top of a tower in Assassin’s Creed II and synchronize so that the map unlocks for you; that iconic and wide (for the game) always catches me,” said Smith. “I am afraid of shelves, and this game would give me the Jeebies Heebie who move there. I would get butterflies in my stomach, but it is such a beautiful moment. Being part of that and seeing what everyone had worked so hard to create was such an ‘wow’ moment for me.”

Smith is afraid of heights, even in games.
Smith is afraid of heights, even in games.

Smith also revealed what game he would play for the rest of his life, if he was only allowed to play one.

“I will cheat and say the entire Assassin’s Creed franchise,” Smith replied. “That will give me at least one life of games there. Apart from the fact that I have to be part of the franchise so early, I have always enjoyed playing all the games. Music, storytelling, images, games, everything works very well, and that is rare that everything shoots and hit in the same way as those games.”

Smith added that he has not had much time to play lately because of being busy with work, saying that “it is not a way of living” and that he needs to “convert (his) player card.”

Even so, Smith has always had a reputation to genuinely enjoy the games. Following the successful launch of Apex Legends in 2019, Smith and his companion Apex voice actor Chris Edgerly (who vochfinder voices) made several live broadcasts together, Play Apex and play with unveiled teammates By using the voices of their respective Apex characters in the voice chat.

In general, Smith seems extremely happy with the state of his career. When asked if there are video game voice roles that you want to have received, she simply expressed her gratitude for the opportunities she has had in the industry.

“Lightning has hit so many times in my life and career,” Smith explained. “I have been able to look at the people in the eye and tell them that I am the voice of Ezio, Batman and Sonic. With all honesty, I just hope the next project. It is surprising to think that there is someone who loves games and narration and is creating something that we cannot imagine that The following murderer’s creed

Speaking of the next game in the franchise, Assassin’s Creed Shadows It is launched on Thursday, March 20, but you can see Gamespot review of the last entry In the long -term series now.

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