Fans left ‘absolutely terrified’ by the BBC movie folded ‘The New Jaws’

Fans left ‘absolutely terrified’ by the BBC movie folded ‘The New Jaws’

47 meters below, directed by Johannes Roberts, is a 2017 survival horror movie that takes place completely underwater, and is now available to see in the IPLAYER BBC

Claire Holt in a still from 47 meters down(Image: (Image: Daily Registry))

Prepare to contain your breathing while watching a submarine horror movie BBC IPLAYER.

47 meters down tells the exciting story of Dos Hermanas, portrayed convincingly by Mandy Moore and Claire Holt, on vacation in Mexico. The locals are persuaded to experience an exciting shark cage diving.

However, the disaster attacks when the cage collapses to the seabed.

With the decrease in air supplies and mass sharks that lurk close, brothers must find a way to escape their underwater prison. Each weak breathing, calculated movement and each precious drop of blood involves immense importance.

The thriller of the holiday night directed by Johannes Roberts faces the inevitable comparison with the iconic, Jaws. While some say that the iconic classic cannot match, others praise the film as “innovative” and “surprising”, especially its intelligent turning end, he informs The express.

Johannes Roberts’s exciting film took the summer season per assault, reaping $ 62.6 million worldwide, an outstanding yield of a budget of $ 5 million. His triumph led to the commission of a sequel, 47 meters down: not screwed.

A shark attack thriller is being acclaimed 'The New Jaws'
A shark attack thriller is being acclaimed ‘The New Jaws’(Image: (Image: Unknown Internet))

An amazed Reddit The critic praised 47 meters as “a tense and claustrophobic thriller that is much greater than the sum of its parts”, adding: “A horror of Shark CG of PG-13 rating that revolves around some annoying tourists only with 50%~ in Rotten Tomatoes and mid-5 in IMDB? I would recommend trying to try honestly.

By discussing the visual attraction of the film, another redditor commented: “Personally, I really liked the film from the point of view of cinematography,” while in other places, a person believes that the film “definitely deserves more credit than it seems to be.”

Currently Holding to 53 Percent Score on Rotten Tomatoes, There are viewers who believe it’s quite apt: ” Bunch of Sharks About To Eat You ‘Bit Was Like The One Cool Visual Moment, Absurd as it was.

On the contrary, another spectator coincided with the mediocre ratings, saying: “What a damn nightmare of acting. However, there is a reason for 50%.”

Some cinema attendees believe that the film did not give the brand, with a comment: “47 meters down has an intriguing premise, but its execution falls short in terms of direction. The tension was not acute enough to keep me on the edge of my seat, and although the cast is competent, its performances are somewhat less low.

Another spectator considered that the critic was exaggerated, commenting: “I’m not sure why this movie has such poor criticisms. I enjoy realistic horror/thrillers. Of course, it is possible that it does not know much about diving, but I think the movie portrayed precisely the dangers of not doing research, going out with strangers and hypoxia, which is one of the greatest concerns in the diving. This movie is one of my favorite. “

Catch 47 meters down now transmitting BBC IPLAYER.

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