DWP benefits cuts leave people “terrified about how they will survive”

DWP benefits cuts leave people “terrified about how they will survive”

There has been a huge reaction of the measures announced by Liz Kendall today

There has been an important reaction to the benefits cuts announced by the Government.
There has been an important reaction to the benefits cuts announced by the Government.(Image: Pennsylvania)

The government has been told that it should be ashamed to bring “the greatest cuts to the registered disability benefits” in what has been described as an “immoral and devastating” movement.

Today, the Secretary of Labor and Pensions, Liz Kendall Rose in the commons to deliver an important announcement About how the benefits for millions of people throughout the country will be delivered. This included radical changes in disability benefits that, according to the Government, will reduce £ 5 billion per year of the country’s benefit bill by 2029/30.

Kendall said Personal Independence Payments (PIP), The main disability benefitYou will see that its eligibility criteria harden from November 2026, which could result in reduced payments for a large number of people. It will be more difficult for people to qualify for the daily component of the life of the benefit, which begins at £ 72.65 per week.

The benefits of disability, which are part of the payment of universal credit, will freeze for existing plaintiffs as of April next year, which means that they will not increase along with inflation. Those under 22 years may no longer claim this particular benefit under the new package of measures.

The plan to reduce benefits, confident by disabled people.For such a large amount, it has received a great reaction from charity organizations that support the most vulnerable. James Taylor, Executive Director of Strategy at Disability Equality Charity Scope, said: “The greatest cuts to the registered disability benefits should be ashamed of the government for their nucleus. They are choosing penalizing some of the poorest people of our society. Almost half of the families in poverty include someone who is disabled.

“Life costs more if it is disabled. Returning £ 5 billion of the system for 2030 will be a catastrophe for the levels of living and independence of the disabled peoples. The government will collect the pieces in other parts of the system with pressure on a NHS and social care already overwhelmed, as more disabled people are pushed to poverty.

“We hope the consultation will see an overwhelming response. We urge the government to listen to disabled people and think again.”

Save The Children’s Police Director, Defense and Campaigns, Dan Paskins said these cuts would see that child poverty levels increase in families where someone has a disability, as a direct result of these reforms.

He said: “Throughout the country, 870,000 children live in families that receive payments of personal independence (PIP) and 290,000 of these children are already in poverty. While we welcome the increase in the standard allocation of universal credit, any reduction in income for families with a disabled father means that more children will suffer.

“For a prime minister who recognized in his manifesto that the possibilities of children’s life are being marked by the increase in poverty, these changes do not show a serious intention to reduce the levels of difficulties. The United Kingdom government must now publish its promised strategy of child poverty and take immediate measures to reduce the levels of child poverty.”

Secretary of Labor and Pensions Liz Kendall
Secretary of Labor and Pensions Liz Kendall(Image: Jordan Pettitt/Pa cable)

Charles Gillies, Senior Policies Officer of the MS Society and policy co -chants in the Consortium of Benefacted Benefits, said: “These cuts of immoral and devastating benefits will push the most disabled people to poverty and worsen the health of people.

“The harmful changes to PIP will make it even more difficult for disabled people, including many with EM, administer the overwhelming additional costs of their condition, from wheelchairs to the visits of caregivers. And any cut addressed to people disabled on universal credit (UC) and employment and support assignment (that) will be largely to those who cannot work and cannot survive.

Helen Barnard, Trussell Policy Director, who manages food banks in Merseyside and throughout the country, said: “We are deeply concerned about the cuts announced to disability payments today. The people of food banks have told us that they are terrified how they could survive huge. The need for emergency food plots.

“People with disabilities are already three times more likely to face hunger, and three quarters of people in food banks are disabled or live with someone who is. Our social security system must be rooted in justice and compassion, capable of being there for all of us, especially when we need it most.

“This is not a treatment made. With at least one year before the cuts enter into force, there is still time for the prime minister and the chancellor to reset and meet today’s promise to restore confidence and equity in the social security system.”

Today’s move was also criticized by some labor parliamentarians. The former shadow chancellor of the party, John McDonnell, says that the announced changes will cause “immense suffering.” He said: “There are decisions taken in this house that stay with you for the rest of your life, this is one of them.”

The deputy of the south of Norwich, Clive Lewis asked the government of his party: “When he made the decision to follow this route, did they understand the pain and difficulty that this will cause millions of people, millions of our voters who use food banks, who are using social supermarkets, people who are on the edge”?

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