Dermatologist issues warning for anyone who tries to achieve the ‘glass skin’

Dermatologist issues warning for anyone who tries to achieve the ‘glass skin’

The dermatologist urged his followers to take care of the health of his skin in a viral publication of social networks

Shot of a beautiful young woman feeling her skin during her beauty routine at home
The dermatologist issued a warning on social networks (stock photo)

A dermatologist has urged people to take their skin health seriously after treating a young woman with cancer. Dr. Toral VaidyaAn American dermatologist, regularly shares educational content in its popular Tiktok account @Toralvaidyamd. The skin care expert often comments on myths and skin trends.

In one of his last videos, he issued a warning for anyone interested in achieving “glass skin”, or a soft and humid complexion. When addressing the users of social networks in Tiktok, where beauty creators often share tips on how to achieve ‘glass skin’, the doctor explained why she wants to see people to rethink their priorities.

Dr. Vaidya wrote: “Respectfully, you shouldn’t be so focused on having a glass skin. You should focus on healthy skin.” She continued: “I just diagnosed a girl about 20 years old with almost perfect skin with skin cancer in her nose.

“He thought it was a grain and tried to squeeze it. He will have to undergo surgery that will require moving the skin of his cheek to the nose and will have permanent scars in the center of his face. He has been tanning for years. Take the skin cancer seriously and protect his skin from the sun.”

Like him NHS He explains, ultraviolet light, which comes from the sun and is used in the solar bed, is the main cause of both melanoma and No melanoma Skin cancer. While skin cancer is Not always preventable, You can reduce your risk taking care to the sun.

Happy woman who applies moisturizing on her face sitting in the bathroom
The NHS says to use at least the 30 sun protector factor (stock photo)(Image: Getty)

Issue solar security tips on a dedicated websiteThe NHS advises: “Time spend time when the sun is stronger. In the United Kingdom, this is between 11 am and 3 pm from March to October.” The NHS says you should:

  • Spend time in the shadow between 11 am and 3 pm
  • Never burn
  • Cover with proper clothes and sunglasses
  • Be very careful with children
  • Use at least Factor 30 sunscreen

Talk to your GP If you have any concern about your health. It is important that symptoms be reviewed as soon as possible.

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