Surveillance catches California man allegedly eliminating Cat with a broken jaw in the garbage bag

Surveillance catches California man allegedly eliminating Cat with a broken jaw in the garbage bag

The owner of a pet was accused of animal cruelty of serious crime after his wounded cat was rescued from a garbage container.

The cat was seen inside a garbage bag and then was thrown into a garbage container in Laguna Hills on March 11, according to Orange County District Prosecutor’s Office.

Joseph Harrison Parker was identified as the owner of the cat and alleged abuser.

The prosecutors said that the cat, known as Booboo, had suffered a broken jaw, broken blood vessels in his eye, a brain shock and a very swollen eye when he was rescued before the garbage container was scheduled to empty.

The surveillance video showed Parker’s SUV parking near a garbage container behind a shopping center near Cabot and La Paz Road around 7:20 pm

The footage showed a man leaving the vehicle, carrying a white garbage bag and throwing it into the garbage container.

The next day, Mission Viejo Animal Services received a report on Booboo, which was “suffering an obvious trauma.”

The authorities connected Parker with the alleged crime after his room partner identified him as the person in the surveillance video and the cat like his cat, Booboo.

The 58 -year -old man was arrested and accused of animal cruelty.

According to the press release of the Orange County District Prosecutor’s Office, Parker declared himself innocent of a serious crime of animal cruelty and a minor crime to abandon a domestic dog or cat. It was released after publishing a bail of $ 2,000. Prosecutors said they initially requested a bail of $ 20,000, but was reduced.

Parker faces a maximum sentence of three years in prison if he is convicted.

Booboo, who was renamed the veterinary staff, underwent surgery to repair his broken jaw and is expected to be fine.

Only someone who is really depraved would make the decision to abuse an animal that has no way of protecting, “said Orange County District Prosecutor Todd Spitzer.” The abuse of any helpless animal will not be tolerated and those who participate in violence against animals will be prosecuted in the maximum reach of the law.

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