JK Rowling Azealia Banks Trans Rights FGE on Twitter explained

JK Rowling Azealia Banks Trans Rights FGE on Twitter explained

“Every moment of vigil is dedicated to ensure that the legacy of your life is to harass people”

Azealia Banks is no stranger to having a dispute with someone in Twitterand has been known for the dawn of his career. While he has often been a controversial character, I am not sure that many expected him to come out so hard in favor of trans people, and in doing so he has been calling JK Rowling for his views on transgender rights constantly in recent months. Despite the fact that JK Rowling previously followed Azealia Banks (random), Rowling had not responded to the defense of the trans people of Azealia Banks. But after an Azealia Banks tweet that calls JK Rowling, he went crazy, the two fight publicly at a very strange and divisive pop culture crossing.

Azealia Tweet has become mega viral

Azealia wrote: “Perhaps her husband at age 27 cheated her with a diva and that is why she has dedicated every moment of vigil to ensure that the legacy of her life is dedicated to harassing people who constitute less than 1 percent of the global population.”

In response, JK Rowling replied by saying: “It is a matter of public registration that my first husband beat me, but you get the tastes, Azealia, and I hope they are worth it.”

The whole saga has gone viral, with Azealia Banks alleging that he did not see this answer because he has blocked to JK Rowling. But then Banks cited other tweets that mentioned Rowling’s response.

It was noted that JK Rowling actually tweeted Azealia Banks quite calmly and restricted instead of his usual more condemnatory approach to discuss on Twitter, with some theorents that this is due to the reputation of the banks to discuss with twitter custody with those who cross it.

One said: “I love how JK Rowling tweeted you the most domestic, neutral and mundane response because he knows that he pushed the bear even a bit, you would end it absolutely.” Azealia replied by calling her “AF*CKING LUNATIC”.

Azealia Banks then said on another tweet that something is “very bad” with JK Rowling.

Azealia Banks has a complicated story with people LGBTQ+ and often uses a language that people feel they should not be saying. However, it has been refreshing as trans al, seeing someone who uses Twitter prominently to put their neck on the line to defend trans people at a time when their rights are being stripped in the United States.

In response to JK Rowling tweeting his back, Azealia said: “Imagine thinking that we are remembered that we listen to you anymore any that care about the tastes. Wow, JK Rowling ia h Hood rat.”

JK Rowling has continued tweeting since the saga began, but has not responded to Azealia Banks beyond his first response.

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