Caitlin Clark makes fun of Aliyah Boston after an unparalleled loss against teammate Lexie Hull

Caitlin Clark makes fun of Aliyah Boston after an unparalleled loss against teammate Lexie Hull

The unique league championship game took place on Monday night. Rose BC assured a victory over the BC vinyl, making them First champions in the history of the League.

Indiana fever fans were surely in conflict in the unique championship of Monday, since Rose BC presents Lexie Hull highlight of fever, while the beloved superstar Aliyah Boston is in Vinyl BC, which meant that these two coincided.

We know that the superstar of Caitlin Clark fever only expected any player who lost on Monday was not grumpy, which she Shown commenting“One of them Bouta becomes angry and one happy huh oh”, in a Instagram publication The fever made earlier during Monday.

Following the victory of Rose BC, the fever made another Instagram publication Showing Hull who wrote: “@lexiehullll and Team Rose are their first @unrivaledbasketball ” champions.

Once again, the main comment of the publication was Clark, who wrote: “@Aliyah.Boston you didn’t deserve this. I’m sorry.”

Boston quickly responded to Clark’s message saying: “@caitlinlark22 thanks Pookie I really needed this message of it.”

Despite the cheerful provocation of Clark and this resulting response, Boston does not seem too disturbed by defeat. Shortly after the game ended, she made a X publication That wrote: “@lexiehull dinner in you maybe? “.

This is a reference to Hull winning additional $ 50,000 for winning the unique championship, which was given to each Rose BC player.

We imagine that Clark would also expect an invitation to this potential dinner once the three vital fever players return to Indianapolis before the 2025 WNBA season.

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