Six arrested and ‘several’ seriously injured after a massive fight in the streets of Manchester with three cords in its place

Six arrested and ‘several’ seriously injured after a massive fight in the streets of Manchester with three cords in its place

Detectives said they believe it is a “directed attack”

Police in Denison Road(Image: Ryan Jenkinson)

Six people were arrested and several transferred to the hospital with “serious” injuries after a night of violence in southern Manchester.

Three scenes They are in place this morning (Monday, March 17) After the police were called to the reports of a group of men fighting with ‘knives and hammers’ around 1.45 am

The researchers of the crime scene (CSI) are in Park Crescent, Kent Road West and Denison Road this morning after violence. Detectives say they believe the attack is “directed”, but that additional officers remain in the area.

In a cord, you can see a BMW with a shattered windshield, while in another, there are broken glass marked by cones of yellow evidence.

Police said that ‘several’ men were transferred to the hospital with ‘serious’ but not potentially mortal injuries. Six men have been arrested under suspicion of Afraña.

You can see a car with a spotted windshield inside a cord

In a statement, GMP said: “Shortly before 1:45 am this morning (Monday, March 17) they called us Wilmslow Road, Manchester, for reports of a disturbance.

“It is believed that a group of men was fighting with weapons, which is believed to be knives and hammers, and several were injured. Their injuries are serious, but fortunately they do not believe that they do not change their lives or do not change their lives.

Forensic researchers are on stage(Image: Ryan Jenkinson)

“Six men aged 18 to 24 have been arrested under suspicion of Afrakes. They remain in police custody to interrogate.”

The Inspector Detective Mark Astbury, of the Criminal Investigation Department of the City of Manchester of GMP, said: “While we believe that this is a directed attack, we do not underestimate the impact that this will have on the local community.

“This incident occurred in an occupied area, showing unacceptable contempt for community security.

“Fortunately, no more injuries have been reported, and we were able to arrest those who believe they participate immediately.

“Additional officers remain in the area while we make more consultations, and I ask them if someone has any concerns or ask, please talk to them.

“If you have any information about this incident, or maybe you have images of CCTV, board or mobile phone of the fight, call the police at 101 by citing registration 146 of 03/17/25. If you prefer to remain in anonymity, call the independence beneficial organization of Crusestoppers at 0800 555 111”.

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