Only smartest people can solve a very complicated riddle about food

Only smartest people can solve a very complicated riddle about food

The riddles are designed to deceive and confuse you, and this is not different, but do you think you can solve it quickly before the answer is revealed?

Can you guess the response to the riddle? (Stock Image)(Image: Getty Images/wesnd61)

Can you imagine some smart pants?

Well, why don’t you test your intelligence with this very complicated riddle? Brainters, riddles and optical illusions are as crucial for your brain as exercise is for your body. But often, brain training can ignore, which means when you face a complicated puzzleYou crumble.

However, it does not have to be so, and that is why we will come to you with this very complicated food-Control related to which many people have fallen badly. But are you smart enough to solve it as soon as you see it?

Instagram User @Being.awakened published the riddle, which says: “People buy me to eat. But it never eats me. What am I?”

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Confusing right? And if you are completely perplexed, for that, you are definitely not alone, since many pointed out how disconcerting it was.

However, although there was an answer given on the Instagram page, many others shared that there could also be other answers.

Have you managed to solve what it is? Here is a reminder: “People buy me to eat. But it never eats me. What am I?” If you guessed the dish, you are right! Give yourself a palmadita on your back.

Others considered that the answer could also be covered, and another suggested chewing gum. They wrote: “I think the first is the gum. Purchases to eat it, but do not swallow. Unless some strange People decided to eat it. “

Some people joked: “I don’t know what they are talking about. The dishes are tasty” and “What? Always like my dishes, aren’t I destined to do it?”

If you managed to get that right, you can be humorous for other challenges. Why not try a difficult puzzle that Only 10% of people can solve?

He puzzle He made his buzz through an appearance in the Australian version of the Game Program 1% Club. In the program, the contestants are asked a variety of questions that are classified by the percentage of participants who could solve them.

This particular puzzle was the 10% question in the program, and took the form of a sequence of numbers where the constants had to find the missing number that completed the list. The host asked: “What is the following number that completes this sequence? 4, 2, 3, 4, 4, 9, 4,?”

The contestants in the program faced a difficult challenge, since they were only given 30 seconds to solve a difficult question, but no one managed to break it within the time limit. So what is the solution and can solve it in half a minute?

The correct solution is eight. In an unexpected turn, the sequence of numbers reflects the number of letters in each word of the question: “What” has four, is “has two”, “has three, and so on. The sequence continues to the second word of the questionnaire, revealing the answer” eight “for the word” sequence “in itself.

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