Disability benefits for Crohn’s disease: 3 things to do if your claim refuses

Disability benefits for Crohn’s disease: 3 things to do if your claim refuses

A case that my team and I never forget An offices employee who was abruptly cut long -term disability (LTD) Benefits two years after your claim was approved.

The individual, who fights with Crohn’s disease, received a Letter of denial of his insurance company on his “definition change” date, informing him that he was no longer considered “Totally disabled“Under your policy.

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Horrified by the decision of his insurer, the office employee immediately contacted Samfiru Tumarkin LLP for a free LTD consultation.

Trust that he had a strong case, we told him to receive the letter of denial reviewed by his treatment team.

The office employee doctors could not believe that they were not consulted before he was cut to Ltd. clearly described in writing that his condition prevented him from doing any I work, not only your own work.

With the total support of medical professionals involved in their attention, the office employee contacted us again.

After conversations with your insurance company, we were able to ensure an extremely favorable amount of compensation for our client.

READ MORE:Is the insurer difficult? 3 reasons why you must hire a long -term disability lawyer

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Being diagnosed with Crohn’s disease can change the life of an individual forever. For Canadians who cannot work due to this weakening condition, disability benefits are designed to provide financial tranquility.

If they deny you or cut LTD for some reason, do not scare. There are three things to do here.

1. Get your insurer’s reasons for the decision in writing

Instead of delivering the “bad news” in a letter or email, some insurance companies notify people on the phone.

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By informing the claimants verbally, insurers can adjust their justification in case the decision is challenged.

If this happens, communicate with your insurance company immediately and request a denial letter. This document will force them to “block” their reasons to reject their claim or cut their access to the benefits of LTD.

READ MORE: 4 reasons why long -term disability claims are reported in Canada

Once you have the letter of denial in your possession, connect with a disability lawyer experienced in Samfiru Tumarkin LLP. We can review your situation, evaluate your legal options and help you ensure the compensation you deserve.

Even if your insurer has not yet provided this document, it is still the best to contact my company. We offer free ltd consultations for you.

2. Discuss the decision with your treatment team

After receiving the denial letter from your insurance company, schedule a meeting with your attending physician. It is crucial that the document is taken to this appointment.

During the meeting, ask your doctor if you agree with the insurer’s decision. If you don’t agree, have them in Explain in writing Why his condition prevents him from resuming his job duties.

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In the event that other medical professionals are involved in their care, meet their opinions as well. The more support documentation can provide, the better.

READ MORE: ‘Obtain your doctor’s full support’: Disability lawyers guide to make insurance claims

If your access to disability benefits is cut on your “definition change”, as the office employee, make sure your attending physician clearly describes in writing why your condition prevents you from any Work, not just your own occupation.

3. Contact us

Being denied or cut LTD can be incredibly distressing. For many of my customers, they were not sure how they were going to pay bills or put food at the table without access to disability benefits.

In this situation, it is vital to obtain adequate legal advicebeforeappealing the decision of your insurance company.

READ MORE: 3 reasons why a long -term disability claim should not appeal

The compassionate team of Samfiru Tumarkin LLP regularly solves problems that involve LTD, Short -term disability,life insurance, critical disease and Mortgage insurance claims In all Canada.

We provide free consultations for this type of issues and do not pay us unless we obtain results.

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Over the years, my company has helped thousands of Canadians, including Sandra Bullock, Julie Austin and Mitchell Murphyensure the compensation to which they have legal right.

Denyed or cut by long -term disability? When asked if you want to appeal your insurer’s decision.

Contact the firmOr call 1-855-821-5900 for a free consultation with a disability lawyer. We help Canadians in all provinces (excluding Quebec). Get the advice you need and the compensation you deserve.

Sivan TumarkinHe is a disability lawyer and co -founder partner inSamfiru Tumarkin LLPThe most positively reviewed law firm of Canada specialized in labor law and long -term disability claims. The firm provides legal information about the only one in Canada Disability law show On television and radio.

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