Dear Abby: I’m terrified that my brother -in -law deck will cause serious injuries

Dear Abby: I’m terrified that my brother -in -law deck will cause serious injuries

Dear Abby:

My brother -in -law thinks it’s good with his hands. He built a roof at the back of his house, and it is obvious that he is not a professional. My husband and I never sat on his mallet because he doesn’t seem safe. (Others have said the same). He boasted how he went out with his with not having to get any permission and he never inspected the city while building it. Nor did they inspect it when it was finished. I’m afraid that one day someone will be sitting on his mallet and will collapse, and people will hurt. I fear that if I call the city to inform it and the city appears at home or sends a letter or calls it, you will discover who denounced it, even if I say I want to remain anonymous. (The city records all telephone calls, and also have call identification). When I tried to talk to him about this, he told me to keep me out because it is not my business. So, do I only keep my mouth closed and I hope anyone hurts? – concerned relative in the west medium

Dear relative:

Please do not keep your mouth closed! At this time, the weather may be too cold for your brother -in -law to make any entertainment in that roof. But the next time I am host of friends and family, there could be an accident that could change lives forever. This should be informed before someone is seriously injured or killed.

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Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by his mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or Po Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

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