Singapore’s harmony is beautiful, and must always be appreciated, protected: PM Wong

Singapore’s harmony is beautiful, and must always be appreciated, protected: PM Wong

Singapore – The daily global developments are a reminder that it is a dangerous world, and the only people who can protect Singapore and advance their interests are Singapurenses themselves, said Prime Minister Lawrence Wong on March 16, since he asked that people stay strong and united.

“There is no other country that you can find in this world where people of different religions, different beliefs can join, can be broken quickly, (y) can live in peace and harmony together as a single family,” said Prime Minister Wong.

“This is very beautiful, and this is something that we must always appreciate and protect here in Singapore.”

I was talking in Iftar Utara, an IFTAR mass, or a break-in-opidal meal, which was attended by around 7,000 residents and guests in Marsiling Mega Sports Park. The event was organized by the Citizens Advisory Committee, the Indian Association of Muslim Social Services and Masjid An-Nur.

Prime Minister Wong pointed out how the world is experiencing deep changes, with things that change rapidly in some places, from the United States and China to Europe.

“And every day, we are concerned that there are things that affect Singapore.”

He added: “The only people who can help us are Singapurenses ourselves. We are the only ones who can unite to defend Singapore, to protect Singapore, to advance Singapore’s interest in this problematic and volatile world. “

This was a feeling reflected by the minister of senior state for defense and labor Zaqy Mohamad, who said: “Conflicts and tensions in various parts of the world serve as marked reminders that our harmony here in Singapore cannot be given by sitting.”

Mr. Zaqy, who, like Prime Minister Wong, is a deputy for Marsiling-Yew Tee Grc, was in the annual event along with the other parliamentarians of the Circumscription, Mr. Alex Yam and Mrs. Hany Soh.

Mr. Zaqy said: “There are not many places in the world where we all sit together to break quickly in peace, and certainly not in different religions and religions, different religions and races.

“This privilege is not by chance, but it is the result of our ancestors and the founding generation of leaders who recognized that harmony can only arise if it has a racial and religious understanding.”

While Singapore celebrates its 60 years of independence in 2025Zaqy emphasized the shared responsibility to protect what has been built in the last 60 years.

In 2025Ifar Utara introduced a collaboration with youth leaders @ harmony circle to involve young people in the interreligious dialogue and promote religious harmony through conversations and exchange sessions.

Residents at IFTAR UTARA 2025 - Break of Fast @ Marsiling in Marsiling Mega Sports Park on March 16, 2025. St Photo: Shintaro Tay

Residents in IFTAR UTARA 2025 in Marsiling Mega Sports Park on March 16.St: Shintaro Tay

“The prevalence of erroneous information and radical opinions means that we must involve our youngest generation today,” said Zaqy, and pointed out that in the interconnected world today, young people face complex challenges in the navigation of digital spaces.

“We must protect ourselves, be it erroneous information, divisive ideologies or the extremism that seeks to sow discord among all of us,” he said, adding that initiatives such as dialogues among young people are crucial.

“By investing in our youth, we equip them with knowledge, values ​​and confidence to counteract the narratives that threaten our social cohesion here in Singapore.”

Prime Minister Wong renewed the call for Singapurenses to remain strong and united, and whatever their differences are always in the heart of Singapore.

“Always think about how we can make Singapore better (not only) for ourselves, but also for our children, our grandchildren and for the next generation, so that whatever we have here in Singapore … this small and small red point made in the Singapore, we want this to continue everything we can.

“I am sure that we can all expect a better Singapore, not only for the next 60 years, but for many more years.”

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