Long Island da reveals 3 ‘rules’ twisted that made MS-13 a plague in the suburbs

Long Island da reveals 3 ‘rules’ twisted that made MS-13 a plague in the suburbs

Suffolk County District Prosecutor Ray Tierney said that Long Island could not have assumed MS-13 without a little help from the federals, since he revealed the three twisted rules of the migrant gang that made them the most dangerous in the state of the empire.

Tierney said during an exclusive sitting with the position that migrant teams such as the Venezuelan Gang Train of Aragua cause ravages in the New York Metropolitan Area, but MS-13 raises a greater threat because the prestige between the rows is gained only through violence and murder.

“That is the purpose of MS-13, being the largest, most bad and most violent gang in the world,” he said. “They considered the murder part and plot of what they did. And this is how you desired prestige and respect and rose to the gang, committing scandalous violence, including murder.

Suffolk County, gives Ra, Tierney, says he couldn’t have faced MS-13 without the federals intervening. John Roca

“In the spirit of the gang the best way to achieve that would be with his hands, a machete club,” said Tierney. “Violence for MS-13 is not necessarily in the economic benefit.”

He said that the success of his office when closing a large part of the gang on his grass depends largely on the federals.

“The reason why the federal government has improved significantly: the FBI, the United States prosecutor’s office. And I was part of that, but they were those agencies. They took many of these violent actors from the streets and did better. ”

MS-13, or Mara Salvatrucha 13, was formed by immigrants from El Salvador in the United States who fled the civil war in their country in the late 1980s and early nineties, according to federal officials.

Initially intended to protect migrants from violence, the gang became one of the most notorious criminal companies in the country, trusting more in violent attacks than traditional criminal activities.

The Mara Salvatrucha, or MS-13 gang, was founded by Salvadoran immigrants and became a world criminal gang. AFP through Getty Images
Police in Long Island and New York City have been able to dismantle much of the MS-13 operations in the area. Getty images

Gang members have three rules that dictate death sentences: no member can cooperate with the police, no stranger can disrespect the gang and rival gangngers must be executed in sight, Tierney said.

In New York, MS-13 established a strong presence in Long Island, reaching its maximum point in 2015, leaving behind a trace of ruthless and ruthless violence against helpless adolescents.

In October, a gang nicknamed “Little Devil” was sentenced to 50 years in prison for attracting four men to a local park where a MS-13 thug gang hit them until death.

Suffolk da Ray Tierney said MS-13 is the most vicious migrant gang due to its affinity for meaningless violence. News Day

Leniz Escobar, 24, was condemned in 2022 of four positions of murder in the aid of organized crime and an extortion charge in relation to the horrible crime.

In July, Alexi Saenz, 29, the reputed former head of the Sailors Locos Salvatruchas Westside Clique – admitted that I was behind a series of murders that included the death of Nisa Mickens, 15, and her 16 -year -old friend, Kayla Cuevas, who were hit and pirate until death in 2016.

In March 2024, the Police in Suffolk County said two cut heads and others It was believed that the dispersed body parts found in a Babylon park were linked to MS-13.

The associate of MS-13, Leniz Escobar, 23, was so malicious that the gang nicknamed “Little Devil”.

Aragua train, A more recent migrant threat in the Big Apple and the surrounding suburbs, exploited shelters financed by the city in the five districts by recruiting new members and leading illegal operations.

Despite its violence, ADD is largely based on drug trafficking, weapons and people, and handbugs by migrant teams with cyclomotor, which focus more on illicit gains than assault and murder.

Both MS-13 and Aragua Train were designated as foreign terrorist organizations by the Trump administration, which has launched at the national level to expel illegal immigrants.

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