Tanzanian police beat Kenya fishermen, force them to eat raw fish

Tanzanian police beat Kenya fishermen, force them to eat raw fish

Kenya and Tanzania fishermen during a peace consolidation forum in Vanga /Kna

Fishermen in Vanga, County of Kwale, have raised concerns about continuous harassment by the Police of Tanzania.

The officers accuse fishing fishermen on the Sanzania side of the Indian Ocean and the use of illegal equipment.

Speaking to Kna, the fishermen said that the constant harassment of Tanzania security officers had become unbearable and would like the The government will intervene and establish a clear limit that would end the dispute.

The Vanga community lies in a small town adjacent to the border of Kenia-Tanzania in Kwale County, and its main source of livelihood is fishing and rice agriculture, which is carried out on a small scale.

Most women who can’t go to the ocean sell fish. However, the business has challenges since the ocean they fish are shared with the neighbor Tanzania, which has a larger part of the mass of the water that Kenya.

Fishermen and merchants have asked the government to intervene and established a limit in the Indian Ocean in Vanga, claiming that Tanzania’s police force was deployed in the sea to protect it is brutal for Kenya fishermen, who accidentally cross to look for more fish.

Bwamrii Masha reported suffering terrible evidence when Tanzanian officers catch him, saying that they Sometimes they are flawing, forced to eat raw fish or were given punitive tasks to complete before they are released.

The senior chief Kama Abdallah of the vanga location said that the town is safe in terms of criminal gangs, explaining that it has been a long time since they registered any case of insecurity.

However, he said that trafficking in persons and the illegal trade in neighboring countries were questions of concern, and pointed out that drugs were also introduced to smuggling in the country.

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