Brenda Song is ‘terrified’ to teach Macaulay culkin to drive

Brenda Song is ‘terrified’ to teach Macaulay culkin to drive

Brenda’s song He taught his partner, Macaulay CulkinSome life skills.

Song recently passed by Jennifer Hudson’s show To promote your new program, Netflix’s Execution pointWhen Hudson asked him about teaching the Only at home star how to wash clothes, which was revealed in your Cosmopolitan Cover history in January.

“I always say that Mac is a very unique human. Be the most famous child actor in the world. He lived and grew up in hotels. I had never washed clothes. And he was shaken, said the actress. “I’ve been washing clothes since I was 10 years old. Whatever, helping my mother. And then it is fun to teach him how to wash his clothes. ”

The life of the Zack and Cody suite The student continued explaining some other skills that taught his fiance. “He still doesn’t know how to drive. I took him to drive in our neighborhood. I was terrified, ”he said. “I am like that, a 44 -year -old man driving for the first time. I was like, ‘No!’ I have to hire someone to do that. “

The couple began to leave in 2017 and promised in 2022. They share two children.

In another part of the interview, said Hudson Only at home It was his favorite movie, so Song talked about watching the classic vacation movie with Culkin, who starred in the movie as Kevin McCallister when he was 10 years old.

“I’ve always seen Only at home Every Christmas. I had not seen the movie in a decade, and Forzé (he to see it). I didn’t want to see it. And I thought, ‘We have to do it, “Song said.” So, we started seeing him and then he started telling me all the stories behind the scene and I thought:’ Stop! You’re ruining me! ”

While Song recognizes that the “film has such a special place” in people’s hearts, it is “difficult” for her to see it now.

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