The trial against the general secretary general of the Democratic Party of the fight (PDI-P) of Indonesia, Hasto Kristiyanto, for charges of bribery and obstruction of justice began on Friday, with the prosecutors of corruption eradication (KPK) who said an accusation against the politician who detailed his participation in a member of the General House Commission (KPU) (KPK).
According to prosecutors, Hasto, along with his assistant Donny Tri Istiqomah and the members of PDI-P Harun Masiku, who is currently underway, and Saeful Bahri, bribed the former KPU commissioner Wahyu Setiawan S $ 57,350 (US $ 42,881) in 2019.
“The money occurred with the intention of boosting the KPU to approve the request to replace Riezky Aprilia, a chosen legislator of the House of Representatives of the Electoral District of Sumatra I, with Harun,” said KPK prosecutor Wawan Yunarwanto while reading the accusation of Friday’s hearing.
Rate of the seat of the Legislature
The case began when a PDI-P legislative candidate in the district, Nazarudin Kiemas, died shortly before the voting day in the 2019 elections.
The empty seat was given to Riezky, who won the second more votes in the electoral district. Hasto supposedly told Donny and Saeful to ask the body of the vote to give Harun empty instead of Riezky.