The anti -immigration councilor, Gavin Pepper, rejects rapper apologies for threat videos

The anti -immigration councilor, Gavin Pepper, rejects rapper apologies for threat videos

The music artist turned to Tiktok to record a “video of apologies” that says: “I don’t want his family to fear me” after threatening comments were published online.

Follow a statement published by CLLR Pepper on Facebook last month detailing the alleged threats against him.

In the online statement, Cllr Pepper tells his followers: “I am sure that it is now considered a threat that a Jamaican immigrant put him in my life.”

Cllr Pepper then shared a video of Kannon Sound, saying: “If the Irish government does not find this guy, we will find it ourselves and deal with him, agree? We are tired of that now. “

Cllr Pepper then says: “(He) seems allowed to say what he wants.

“He (Kannon Sound) causes the online racial division regularly and today is in a live broadcast that has more false and misleading information about me.

“This man told immigrants to stagnate and prepare.”

Cllr Pepper tells the spectators that he went to the Garda finger station “to inform this man since my children were terrified of going to school and that Missus is terrified at home.

“I am a public representative, so my data is easily online. The answer I obtained at the Garda station was: “It depends on the way I take what you are saying.” That is what the guard said.

“He said: ‘The best thing we can do is if something happens, sound the Gardai and will come faster because I will put their direction in the system.’

“That is the answer I obtained, taking into account the crime of knife in this country at this time, where it is in the clouds.

“What is happening in our city, we are no longer safe,” added Cllr Pepper.

Gavin pepper

In response, Kannon Sound released his own statement about Tiktok addressed to Gavin Pepper.

“First, I’m not a bad person and I don’t want women and children to be afraid,” he says.

“I do not want your family to fear me, I am not that kind of person you paint me to be, or society paints me to be, so I am doing this video to put some kind of love in this situation.

“I have no hatred for you and your family to the point that I want to harm you and your family, so please stop spreading those rumors because you don’t know me and I don’t know you,” he adds.

“You know, I am a man of morals, and that is something I would never do, so you go to the Gardai and inform that you go to different people, several people who tell them about me, it is irrelevant, because you know yourself that there are people crazier than me and you know them and I do not want to get with that kind of people, or for you.

“I was just trying to get his attention to talk about a conversation or situation that he mentioned in his videos regarding diversity, which affects my children and my future generation in this country.

“But maybe I have done it incorrectly and I’m just doing this video because I feel that I need to rectify it in some way because I am not a villain.

Gavin Pepper is elevated by Hermann Kelly, left, of the Ireland Freedom Party. Photo: Eamonn Farrell

“I don’t want women and children to be afraid while they paint me and yes, that is me, I apologize if I have damaged your family mentally in some way.”

But talking to Sunday’s world, Cllr Pepper rejected the apology saying that he should “leave home immediately.”

“You should not allow someone so dangerous to walk the streets,” said Cllr Pepper.

“You can’t make threats to people like this and get yours, how I feel about it.”

“My lady was terrified and my children were terrified.

“There is a live guy who says: ‘I’m going to get you.’ Children are dating their friends and are worried, thinking that someone will attack them for no reason.

“I think he is a dangerous individual,” he added. And I don’t know why he says sorry for nothing, maybe the Slaw had a word with him. I don’t know, but I reject this apology.

“If you listen to some of their live debates, without even mentioning me, they are horrendous. That is not freedom of expression, it is inciting criminal behavior. “

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