After blood spill, can the president of Syria unite his country?

After blood spill, can the president of Syria unite his country?

TThe bloodbath That terrified Syrians expected after the fall of Bashar al-Assad in December finally arrived. Responding to the calls to the jihad of the mosques throughout the country on March 6, thousands of Sunni combatants descended on the coast and killed hundreds of alauitas, a small sect Many Sunnas consider heretical and blame of betting on the Assads, the dictators of Alauita de Syria, for half a century. In the villages near the coastal city of Latakia, they filmed climbing on the back of the men, making them bark as dogs before shooting them. Ocular witnesses describe streets full of bodies and rows of burned houses. Hundreds of thousands fled to the forest, hills and neighbor Lebanon. It is believed that more than 800 were killed, including hundreds of civilians. “It’s a disaster area,” says an observer who traveled from Damascus to Latakia.

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