Same job, different worlds: Delhi’s wife compares life with the European colleague

Same job, different worlds: Delhi’s wife compares life with the European colleague

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She mentioned that her teammate decided to live far from working for peace.

The honest reflection of the woman caused support comments. (Image of disorder/representative)

The honest reflection of the woman caused support comments. (Image of disorder/representative)

A woman from Delhi has compared her life as a working woman in the national capital of India with that of her colleague in a European country.

Entitled “The life of an old woman of 28 years in Delhi vs 28 years of old in Europe”, the Redditt Post listed the marked differences. He shared that both she and her Scandinavian teammate were the same age and occupied the same job.

Both commuted for approximately 1.5 hours a day by train. However, his colleague enjoyed a comfortable and direct trip by direct train with a reserved seat, which allowed him to start working along the way. In contrast, Delhi’s wife changes the train twice without guarantee of a seat.

He mentioned that his teammate chose to live away from work for peace and tranquility. But his own reason to stay away from the office was different: he could not afford to live separately from his parents, despite having the same role as his colleague.

The Reddit user also highlighted security concerns. He explained that his colleague left the job early one day to concentrate better at home. Coincidentally, he also left early, but his reason was the insecure atmosphere in Delhi around the Holi Festival.

The woman emphasized that her position was not destined to criticize India or glorify the West. “It’s just the truth of my life and the life of millions of people from Delhi,” he said.

His honest reflection caused support comments of other social network users. A person wrote: “The same age, the same job, but lives so different. She chooses peace, you deal with security and money problems. “

Another added: “This is beautifully written. I work in Mumbai and my teammates are in New York. I also think about how our lives are so similar but so different. “

Some commentators indicated deeper problems such as air quality, personal freedom and gender salary gap. A woman even shared her experience of moving to Germany, saying: “No feeling can match the feeling of security and independence that entails.”

The publication continues to resonate with many, shedding light on the contrasting realities faced by women in different parts of the world.

Viral news Same job, different worlds: Delhi’s wife compares life with the European colleague
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