Waspi women willing to receive a great update of work on DWP compensation

Waspi women willing to receive a great update of work on DWP compensation

The parliamentarians will meet to discuss the matter after a petition that asks for a compensation scheme with payments of up to £ 2,950 of the Department of Labor and Pensions (DWP) accumulated 159,000 signatures.

The parliamentarians will meet to discuss the matter after a petition that asks for a compensation scheme with payments of up to £ 2,950 of the Department of Labor and Pensions (DWP) accumulated 159,000 signatures.
The parliamentarians will meet to discuss the matter after a petition that asks for a compensation scheme with payments of up to £ 2,950 of the Department of Labor and Pensions (DWP) accumulated 159,000 signatures.

The parliamentarians will celebrate a great debate about the possible compensation of Waspi next week. Labor Party The parliamentarians will meet to discuss the matter after a petition that asks for a compensation scheme with payments of up to £ 2,950 of the department for work and pensions ( DWP ) accumulated 159,000 signatures.

The president of Waspi, Angela Madden, said: “This is a debate resulting from a petition that we started some time ago. This time we have a three -hour debate, which will allow many more people to speak. There was not enough time in the last debate, in an hour and a half, in the last debate, so that everyone gets up and say what they wanted to say. It will be very interesting to see how that goes on Monday.” “.” “.”

Roz Savage MP, a member of the request Committee, has been requested by the committee that opens the debate. Parliamentarians from all parties can participate, and the government will send a minister to respond.

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The petition, which currently has more than 159,000 signatures, affirms: “We call the government to compensate the Waspi women affected by the increases at their age of state pension and the associated failures in DWP communications.”

In his response to the petition, provided on December 9, 2024, the Government said: “The Government is reviewing the report of the defender of the parliamentary and health people and once this work has been carried out, it will be able to describe its approach.”

The petition argued: “We want the Government to respond urgently to the PHSO report and establish a compensation scheme before March 21, 2025. In March 2024, the Health Health and Health Service defender said that women born in the 1950s were due to a financial reparation and an apology due to the DWP Maladist.

“The findings of the Ombudsman were backed by the Select Committee of Pensions and Pension Work, hundreds of parliamentarians and, according to our surveys, 68% of the public. However, only the government has the power to put this correct injustice.

“We have calculated that with an affected woman who dies every 13 minutes, there is no time for more delay.”

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