Media Matters demands X to stop demands outside the United States

Media Matters demands X to stop demands outside the United States

The non -profit organization Media Matters For America filed a lawsuit against X this week, accusing the social networks of “harassment” and musk of Elon Musk and musk of a “globetroting litigation campaign against media affairs.”

The media surveillance group says that it has spent millions of dollars to defend themselves in court, and is demanding for damage. He is also looking for a court order to prevent X from starting in countries outside the US or pursuing his pending cases in Ireland and Singapore.

Media Matters now alleges that X violated his own terms of service

Average medium complaint The appointment policy X itself said that “all disputes related to these terms or services will be presented only in federal or state courts located in San Francisco County, California, United States.”

Meanwhile, San Francisco has been a more favorable scenario for the surveillance groups demanded by X. A federal judge there dismissed a similar demand X filed against the center to count digital hatred (CCDH). In that lawsuit, X accused CCDH of launching “a fear campaign” that supposedly cost him “dozens of millions of dollars” in lost advertising revenues. “This case is about punishing the defendants (CCDH) for their speech,” the judge wrote in his decision.

X did not immediately respond to a request for comments from The edge. The demand he filed against the media in Texas claims The non -profit organization “manipulated the algorithms that govern the user experience in X to avoid safeguards and create images of the largest payments of the advertisers of X adjacent to racist and incendiary content.”

Media Matters supports his analysis. “X brought these demands as punishment for the truthful reports of the media that the ads appeared next to the content of white supremacist on platform X,” says the organization in the complaint filed on Monday in a US district court in San Francisco.

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