Hawaii County Police officer honest by high -profile arrests

Hawaii County Police officer honest by high -profile arrests

Honolulu (Hawaiinewsnow) – A Hawaii County Police officer was honored by track two armed and dangerous fugitives two days in a row.

The Rodney officer of Lima Jr. was honored on Saturday as the Aloha Exchange Club year officer.

Last December, he arrested Malani Tavui, 40, who was sought in multiple investigations and then accused of more than 20 crimes.

The next day, from Lima arrested Alexander Kauwe after the 31 -year -old headed the police about Chase and crashed into a tree.

“I definitely felt that I was dreaming at first, but knowing who I had with me at that time, I knew I was training with these guys, working along with some of these guys,” said De Lima, “I mean, I knew I was safe and was excited that we had it safely.”

“(The US Sheriff Service

De Lima, who grew up in Puna and went to Keaau’s high school, is a veteran of the six -year force and hopes to become a detective.

Tavui and Kauwe go to trial next month.

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