Dave Bautista seemed terrified of his life when DC star John Cena threatened him with the most scary attitude adjustment

Dave Bautista seemed terrified of his life when DC star John Cena threatened him with the most scary attitude adjustment

Who would ever forget the confrontation of John Cena and Dave Bautista in the ‘I leave it‘Match in 2010? It was one of the most stimulating experiences than any wrestling fan could witness, and really a match that defined its two careers.

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John Cena / Credits: WWE

It seemed fateful that the two powerful heavyweights blocked horns inside the ring, especially after the animal had repeatedly complained that it should have been the “WWE face“” A title that Cena maintained for a long time.

John Cena defeated Dave Bautista in an unforgettable ‘I leave it‘ challenge

John Cena and Dave Bautista He made his way to become WWE superstars, which also gave them the privilege of directing main events. His success was also beyond the ring, since they have also proven to be great actors. Dino star significantly in DC Pacifier And batista like Drax in Marvel’s Galaxy Guardians—Mas mass franchises of two of Hollywood’s largest empires at this time.

His rivalry did not begin until Summerslam 2008. While it was a disappointing game, Dinal accidentally hit Batista fueled the animosity among them. In 2010, the latter Toured heel Which gave him the opportunity to steal the dinner title. They would undergo a rematch to Wrestlemania 26, with dinner recovering the belt.

In the same year, they had two more fights that ended with batista biting the dust: the Last man standing Match and the ‘I leave it‘phosphorus. They put face to face in the main event of On the limit 2010 Where Cena achieved its terrifying final movement on the animal, the adjustment of the attitude.

John Cena Dave Bautista wweJohn Cena Dave Bautista wwe
John Cena and Dave Bautista / Credits: WWE

For about 20 minutes of intense confrontation, none wanted to give in, so Cena took him to a notch. He climbed on a car and lifted his opponent on his back, scaring Batista enough to declare his surrender. Despite the plea, the cenish leader closed the game with an shocking touch: he made an attitude adjustment that buried Batista on stage.

The animal left the WWE after this match to continue acting, ending its dispute on the screen with dinner and starting from its full -time career in wrestling. However, it turned out to be a good decision, as it has found great success in Hollywood with films like 2015’s Spectrum2017’s Blade Runner 2049and 2021’s Dune.

John Cena and Dave Bautista remained friends after the rivalry of the WWE

Dave Bautista wweDave Bautista wwe
Dave Bautista / Credits: wwe

They could have been rivals within the ring, but there were no resentments between dinner and batista. The latter had previously expressed his disinterest when making films with his fighter fighter, but clarified that he is not personal and simply did not want any problem.

Cena understood this and respected the type of type, even revealing that it does not have beef with batista. It is great to know that none of them are raised and supports the careers of others.

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