Man seriously injured while working at Hyundai Megasite

Man seriously injured while working at Hyundai Megasite

Bryan County, Georgia (Wtoc) – A man has been seriously injured while working in Hyundai’s megasito.

According to Bryan County Emergency Medical Services, they responded to a call in Megasite on Monday, where a man had been seriously injured.

A Hyundai spokesman tells WTC that the injured person was an adult man who had been working at the construction of joint batteries. The spokesman said that the incident occurred around 7:15 pm, and that man’s wounds were serious but not threatening.

The man was taken from the site through the ambulance, but finally transferred to a medical helicopter, which took him to the hospital.

According to a Hyundai spokesman, the circumstances surrounding the incident are not yet available. The identity of the man has not been released.

WTO has communicated with the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) to see if an investigation into the incident has been opened or will be open. We haven’t had news yet.

Hyundai megasita has a history of serious injuries

This incident is the last one about Hyundai’s megasite. Our WTOC research team discovered in December That between April 2023 and July 2024, there were at least 53 injuries that required emergency medical services on the site. 14 of them were described as “traumatic” lesions in the EMS records of Bryan County.

There was also a death In the Mega in 2023 when a worker fell 60 feet and died.

Osha has opened 13 investigations on incidents on the site since the construction began, and several of them result in fines for several subcontractors.

Two former site workers claimed that WTC investigates that many injuries on the site were not reported, and that undocumented workers have been exploited on the site due to their legal status.

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