SC refuses to intervene in the travel problem of Karipur Hajj, Hajj air passage, Kozhikode airport, supreme cut, India, air ticket price, religious obligation

SC refuses to intervene in the travel problem of Karipur Hajj, Hajj air passage, Kozhikode airport, supreme cut, India, air ticket price, religious obligation

B Balagopal | Mathrubhumi News

The Supreme Court rejects the supplication against the highest Hajj air rates of Kozhikode, addresses the government to explain the difference on its website.

Supreme Court

Supreme Court of India | Photo: MBI

Nueva Delhi: The Supreme Court has refused to intervene in a plea against the highest air rate accused by the Peregrinos of the Hayy who travel through the Kozhikode airport. The court noted that fixing the air passage is a matter of policy, and any interference in it could cause more damage than well. However, the Court ordered the central government to upload a detailed note on its website, explaining the highest air rate raised in those traveling through the Kozhikode airport.

A bank that includes Judges Surya Kant and NK Singh considered the plea. The petition noted that the Pilgrims of the Hajj traveling through the Kozhikode airport must pay approximately 40,000 rs 40,000 more compared to those traveling through the airports of Kochi and Kannur. The main lawyer Arunabh Chowdhury and the defenders of Harris Beeran and Azhar Aziz, who appeared for the petitioners, argued that economically backward Muslims should have the opportunity to fulfill their religious obligation.

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However, the court emphasized that several factors determine the air rate. He added that if the court directed a reduction in the rate, there was the possibility that the airlines stopped operating the service completely, which would cause more damage than well. The bank emphasized that passengers have the right to know the reason behind the highest rate. Therefore, he instructed the additional attorney Km Nataraj, who appears for the central government, to ensure that the highest air rate is explained on the Ministry’s website.

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