Ruslan Nitsyn: Man (47) imprisoned for repeatedly harassing the instructor of the Equestrian Limerick Center

Ruslan Nitsyn: Man (47) imprisoned for repeatedly harassing the instructor of the Equestrian Limerick Center

The native of Ukraine, Ruslan Nitsyn, (47), declared himself guilty before the Criminal Court of the Limerick Circuit of a Harassment position by Gillian McCarthy, 32,

The native of Ukraine, Ruslan Nitsyn, (47), without a fixed dwelling, Dublin, declared himself guilty before the Criminal Court of the Limerick circuit of a harassment charge of Gillian McCarthy, 32, between October 20, 2023 and January 1, 2024.

It was the second time that Nitsyn participated in a “Amazing campaign” against Mrs. McCarthy, a lawyer, said John O’Sullivan the court.

On July 4, 2023, Nitsyn received a three -month prison sentence in the District Court of Limerick for harassing Mrs. McCarthy. The prayer was suspended in its entirety, with the condition of Nitsyn remained out of Limerick and had no contact with Mrs. McCarthy.

Mr. O’Sullivan said that “the ink was barely dry” in the order of the District Court when Nitsyn gave it on the hairstyle, three months and seven days later.

“That he (Nitsyn) declared that his love dislasing by Gillian McCarthy is worrying, and since he met Gillian McCarthy, he has dangerously fallen in love with the victim,” said Mr. O’Sullivan.

Nitsyn, who has lived and worked in Ireland since 2001, was set with Gillian McCarthy when he handed products to his mother’s house, thinking that it was the victim’s house, on October 27, 2021.

O’Sullivan said Gillian McCarthy and his mother Mary McCarthy operate a family equestrian center in Clarina, Co Limerick, and that “it was very worrying for them.”

Failure to comply with the previous court order, Nitsyn telephoned Mrs. McCarthy several times and said: “It’s me.”

Nitsyn left a soft teddy bear, letters, flowers and sweets in Mrs. McCarthy’s house and wore a t -shirt stamped with the words “I love you.”

“This terrified Gillian McCarthy,” added Mr. O’Sullivan.

On another occasion, Nitsyn sat in a black BMW car outside the victim’s house, and he “wink.”

“The word ‘spooky’ can be a euphemism here,” said Mr. O’Sullivan.

The continuous harassment “raised more concerns” for the victim and her husband, who had a “little son” at that time.

Nitsyn also sent a text message to Gillian McCarthy three times: “Are you, I’m outside”, and telephone her again on New Year’s Day, 2024?

A special Patrol of Garda was established near the house of Mrs. McCarthy and Nitsyn was subsequently arrested in Dublin in possession of ten SIM cards of mobile phones and two mobile phones.

Nitsyn told Gardai that he had telephone cards because he was convinced that several people followed him.

He acknowledged that he had previously been convicted of harassing Gillian McCarthy told him to stay away from her and, although he initially denied harassing Ms. McCarthy again, finally admitted it and acknowledged that she had put her in fear.

However, Nitsyn told Gardai: “I love her … it seems that I’m a bad person, but I have no intention of damaging her.”

O’Sullivan said Gillian McCarthy had been “tormented” for two years for Nitsyn’s unwanted advances.

Mrs. McCarthy wrote an impact statement of the victim that he could not attend the Court for the Nitsyn sentence hearing because she was too “scared” to be in his presence.

“Every time I see a black BMW car that freezes myself, I’m still afraid to go out alone to the stables (horse), I put security instead, I constantly have the feeling that someone looks at me,” said McCarthy.

“I am constantly looking over my shoulder, my work has been affected, I can not shake the feeling that someone is looking at me out the window (of their house).”

“I can’t stay alone in my house, I feel very dependent on others. I find it difficult to sleep, my chest feels very tight and can be very exhausting, drawing to deal with all these emotions. “

Nitsyn’s lawyer, lawyer Junior Yvonne Quinn, said Nitsyn had a “long history of serious metal health problems”, which worsened after separating from her wife and mother from her two children.

Nitsyn was involuntarily admitted to psychiatric services in Ukraine in 2012 AD 2019 had suffered severe paranoia since 2006.

He was discharged from a psychiatric hospital in 2021 and resided with a family member, but had no more recent home.

“He has accepted that his behavior was scary and has to stop,” said Mrs. Quinn.

Judge Colin Daly had the sentence of 2.5 years as of January 3, 2024, it is the time that Nitsyn had remained in custody waiting for a sentence.

The judge also ordered that Nitsyn does not communicate with Mrs. McCarthy or her family for a period of five years after his prison release.

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