Alec Baldwin will be deposed in demand for ‘oxide’ shots

Alec Baldwin will be deposed in demand for ‘oxide’ shots

Alec Baldwin It will be deposited in May for its role in the October 2021 fatal shooting of the Director of Photography Halyna Hutchins on the set of Oxide.

The lawyers of the parents and sister of Hutchins, in a notice presented on Monday in the state court of New Mexico, told the judge that supervises the case that they intend to take Baldwin’s deposition on May 9 at the New York office of their company.

“He has been testifying under oath on what really happened that caused the death of Hutchins, said Gloria Allred, family lawyer, in a statement.

The deposition is related to a lawsuit filed by Olga Solovey, Anatolii Androsovych and Svetlana Zembo, the mother, father and sister of Hutchins, respectively, against Baldwin, productions of oxide movies and producers of the film that fails them for the accidental shooting. It revolves around accusations that they repeatedly ignored security protocols designed to ensure that firearms are used safely in the west of low budget. According to the complaint, Baldwin, who allegedly could not verify the firearm to see if he was loaded in the violation of the security protocols throughout the industry, tilted and fired the weapon despite the fact that the scene he was filming did not ask him not to do so.

The demand alleged the battery, the intentional imposition of emotional anguish, negligence and loss of the consortium, which allows the recovery of damage to the relationships that depend mutually. Oxide Ryan Smith producers, Allen Cheney, Anjul Nigam, Ryan Winterstein and Matthew Delpiano, among others, were also appointed in the complaint, which initially appeared in the Superior Court of Los Angeles, but then transferred to the State Court of New Mexico.

The case stopped waiting for the result of Baldwin’s trial for involuntary homicide. The stay rose after the court dismissed the charges against the actor after a last -minute hearing on how the police and prosecutors treated a handful of bullets. It was related to an agent of the retired law by delivering a collection of live ammunition to the Sheriff’s office in Santa Fe, some of which coincided with the bullets found in the Oxide place. While the rounds were taken, they were not invented under the appropriate case, effectively hiding Baldwin’s evidence.

In a statement, there was also disagreeing with the Baldwin TLC reality series, which presents him to his family, for “ignoring the fact that (he) took a child to his parents.”

“It is no longer under the threat of criminal prosecution, a long time ago that Alec Baldwin admits and faces the consequences of the real life he caused to the parents and sister of Halyna,” he said.

Allred also represents the Mamie Mitchell script supervisor in a lawsuit against Baldwin and the producers of the film. Previously in the case, a judge discovered that there was “extreme and scandalous behavior by Baldwin”, which “unexpectedly tilted and fired a loaded gun” despite being aware of a disastrous culture of security in the whole of the whole Oxide.

In January, Baldwin sued Santa Fe officials for malicious prosecution and civil rights violations for pursuing criminal charges against him in the death of accidental shooting. He said that prosecutors intentionally hid evidence that he would claim and seek to accuse him of political profits.

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