The crew of cyber crime stole and then resold hundreds of tickets for fast concerts, prosecutors say

The crew of cyber crime stole and then resold hundreds of tickets for fast concerts, prosecutors say

NEW YORK – A stolen cybercrime crew and then resold more than 900 digital tickets to Taylor Swift concerts and other expensive events in Stubhub, according to New York prosecutors.

The international scam involved people who worked in Jamaica for a company hired by the online ticket market, Queens district prosecutor, Melinda Katz, said on Monday.

The contractors stole the URLs of tickets bought in Stubhub and sent them by email to others in New York, who then discharged and resigned in Stubhub at exorbitant prices, he said.

The crew obtained more than $ 600,000 in profits for about a year between June 2022 and July 2023, according to prosecutors.

Most stolen tickets were for Swift’s Eras tour, but thieves also increased those that Adele and Ed Sheeran concerts, NBA games and US Open tennis championships.

Katz added that researchers are still determining the scope of the operation, including other possible co-conspirators.

Two of those involved, Tyrone Rose and Shamara Simmons, were arrested and accused last Thursday of large theft, manipulation of computers and conspiracy charges, said Katz’s office.

Rose, 20, was among those of Jamaica who redirected the tickets bought for the Electronic Simmons emails, and another accomplice based in the Queens district of New York City, according to prosecutors.

Rose was arrested while visiting New York and was ordered to deliver her passport, Katz’s office said Tuesday. He and Simmons declared themselves innocent and were released awaiting their next appointment in court on Friday.

The public defender’s office that represents Rose declined to comment, and Simmons’ lawyers did not respond immediately on Tuesday.

Stubhub said Tuesday that he had discovered the criminal scheme and informed the authorities and his third -party customer service provider.

The company said that since then its relationship with the supplier has ended and strengthened its security measures. According to Stubhub, all orders of tickets identified so far affected by the theft have also been replaced or completely reimbursed.

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