‘We are here almost as volunteers’: Idaho considers increasing legislators’ salaries by more than 40%

‘We are here almost as volunteers’: Idaho considers increasing legislators’ salaries by more than 40%

(Idaho Statesman) — Lawmakers could receive pay raises of more than 40% next year under a plan discussed Thursday. But decision makers delayed a final vote on increases that would cost the state $1.5 million next year until the day after next month’s election. The Citizens Committee on Legislative Compensation met at the Idaho Capitol…

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all the clues of the christmas story

all the clues of the christmas story

EastEnders Spoilers follow. Over the years, EastEnders has become synonymous with the holiday season, especially the important episode of Christmas Day. Nothing says Christmas like death, divorce, fights and betrayal, right? While some people tune in once a year to watch the soap’s latest seasonal offerings, many loyal viewers look forward to seeing their favorite…

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