Second man declared guilty of stealing golden toilet from the birthplace of Winston Churchill

Second man declared guilty of stealing golden toilet from the birthplace of Winston Churchill

That is the number two to take the passage through The extravagant robbery 2019 of a gold bath That was shown in the birthplace of Winston Churchill.

The Association press This week he informed that a second man, Michael Jones, has been sentenced for his role in the theft of the 215 -pound golden community, that the authorities have not yet recovered.

Jones, 39, was declared guilty of theft in the Oxford Crown Court on Tuesday, according to the AP. The news service reported that Jones and at least two other men broke into the Blenheim Palace, where Churchill was born in 1874, located in Woodstock’s English city city, Oxfordshire.

The prosecutors alleged that Jones helped start the bathroom of his plumbing before he and two other men ran with the products in two stolen vehicles, according to the AP.

The 18 -carat bath was never recovered, said the crown prosecution service. It was believed that the toilet, a fully functional satirical work of art, had been carved and sold in pieces. The CPS estimated that the piece was worth almost $ 6 million, the people previously reported.

Jones is the second man to be declared guilty for theft after the intellectual author of the robbery, James Sheen, declared himself guilty of his own position at a previous audience. The CPS initially announced charges against Sheen, 40, Jones, and both Fred Doe, 36, and Bora Guccuk, 41, in 2023.

Grucuk was later acquitted, according to the AP, while DOE was convicted of conspiracy to transfer criminal properties.

The shameless robbery caused “significant damage and floods” within the English palace, authorities said at that time. People reported in 2019 that the bathroom was transported shortly before 5 am, local time.

Blenheim visitors had been allowed to see the toilet, needing to reserve an appointment in advance and were only allowed three strict visualization minutes. The prosecutors alleged that Jones used the bathroom last night while looking for the palace, recognizing before the planned robbery, the AP reported this week.

“This was a bold raid that had been carefully planned and executed,” said prosecutor Shan Saunders this week, according to the AP. “But those responsible were not careful enough, leaving a trace of evidence in the form of a forensic, CCTV images and phone data.”

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The elegant to go to the bathroom was installed as a satirical art work by the Italian sculptor Maurizio Cattelan. It was titled “America” ​​and was destined to be a comment on gluttony and excessive wealth, according to the AP.

The bathroom was first exhibited at the Guggenheim Museum in New York in 2016, although it was later offered to the president of the United States, Donald Trump in 2017, after asking the museum to lend a painting of Van Gogh of 1888.

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