Head of Firefighters of Vinton County seriously injured while fighting the fire

Head of Firefighters of Vinton County seriously injured while fighting the fire

Vinton County, Ohio – A local fire chief is in serious condition after injuries suffered in a fire incident yesterday. Chief Mark Peters of the Zaleski Volunteer Fire Department was seriously injured during the efforts to extinguish a brush fire that became a structure fire.

The incident occurred while fighting the fire, but the details surrounding the wounds of Chief Peters have not been completely revealed. What we know at this time is that a tree that falls was the cause of the injuries. He was transferred by plane from the scene due to the seriousness of his condition, which included a small brain bleeding and multiple facial and skull fractures.

According to the updates of the social media account of the Fire Department, Chief Peters has shown signs of stability. “Computerized tomography scans this morning show no growth in bleeding, so there is no need for neurosurgery at this time.

The community and fellow firefighters have recovered around the Chief Peters and the Volunteer Fire Department of Zaleski during this challenging moment, offering support and wishes for rapid recovery.

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