The federal judge dismisses a claim of $ 100 million against the Colorado Police officer Springs

The federal judge dismisses a claim of $ 100 million against the Colorado Police officer Springs

Colorado Springs, Colorado (KKTV) – A man of Colorado Springs plans to appeal a decision after a judge dismissed his federal lawsuit.

According to a police report, Jacob root He left paralyzed in 2022 after the police drew him while trying to arrest him for alleged car theft.

The lawsuit requested $ 100 million Of the officer who drew at the root. Root and his lawyers said that officer Robert Comstock went against standard operational procedures when he drew Root.

The district judge in the case said that the use of the taser was reasonable given the situation.

11 News spoke with one of Root’s lawyers, Harry Daniels, about dismissal.

“This case is not (finished) by a long shot,” Daniels said.

11 News also contacted CSPD for comments about dismissal, but they haven’t had news.

In a police statement in May, they said: “Comstock officer is a valuable employee and is in good position with the department.”

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